Minor Requirements


The PSYS minor consists of any six of the following courses. Relevant courses not included on this list may be approved at the discretion of a PSYS advisor. Students engaged in the minor may also elect to participate in a series of meetings with a psychoanalytic mentor in order to receive both the minor on their transcript and a Certificate of Accomplishment from the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia. Although it is not required, and there are many ways to complete the minor, English 102/COML 245 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice is highly recommended. In any semester, students may propose an independent study for full course credit.


ANTH 279: Theorizing the Role of Affect in Society and Culture (Greg Urban)
ANTH 309: Anthropology and Psychoanalysis (Urban and Blum)
ANTH 329: Anthropological and Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Childhood (Blum and Shapiro)


ENGL 0052/COML 0052/GSWS 0052: Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, and Practice ( Faculty include Adelman, Cavitch, Lopez, and Rabaté)
ENGL 2270/ASAM 2200: Race and Psychoanalysis (Eng)
ENGL 290: Queer Attachments (Brilmyer)
ENGL 1430/CINE 1430: Film and Psychoanalysis (Rabaté)
ENGL 369/GSWS 369: Topics Poetry & Poetics: Mourning and Sexuality in English Elegy (Max Cavitch)
ENGL 392/CINE 392: Cinema and Psychoanalysis (Cavitch)
ENGL 395: Psychoanalysis and Autobiography (Max Cavitch and Mark Moore)
ENGL 573/COML 573/PSYS 573 Graduate Seminar: Lives of the Death Drive (Max Cavitch)

German Languages and Literatures:

GRMN 253/COML 253/ENGL 105/GSWS 252/HIST 253: Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis (Weissberg)
GRMN 236: Witnessing the Holocaust: Witnessing, Remembering, and Writing the Holocaust (Liliane Weissberg)
GRMN 540/ARTH 560/COML 539/ENGL 588/JWST 540: Memory, Trauma, Culture (Weissberg; open to undergraduates with permission of instructor)
GRMN 526: The Trouble With Freud (Weissberg; open to undergraduates with permission of instructor)
GRMN 376: Decadence (Relevant course, given in German)


HIST 202: Masters of Suspicion: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud (Breckman)
HIST 202: From Freud to Oprah: The Rise and Fall of Psychoanalysis in Twentieth Century Culture (Breckman)

Liberal and Professional Studies:

Courses to be announced.


PHIL 526/GRMN 527: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Freud and the Interpretation of Culture (Steinberg; open to undergraduates with permission of instructor)

School Social Policy and Practice:

SWRK 792: Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Abrams; open to undergraduates with permission of instructor)
SWRK 786: Traumatic Exposures (Abrams; open to undergraduates with permission of instructor)


Past Graduates:

Jennifer Ben Nathan, ’23

Martins Mark Gatavins, ’23

Madeleine Sleeman, ’23

Ryan Collins, Wharton, ’22

Eva Schottenstein, ’21

Sheng (Steven) Wang, ’21

Rebecca Pels, ’19

Zeeshan Huque ’18

Stephen Metas ’17

Joyce Wong ’17

Fumei Cerecino ’16