Symposium: Indigenous Languages Today
Symposium: Indigenous Languages Today
as part of Penn’s Indigenous Languages Week
Saturday, October 26th, 2019
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Symposium Registration
Call for Papers
Saturday, October 26th
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Venue: Arch Building (36th Street and Locust, Philadelphia, PA 19104)
9:00am-9:30 am Coffee and Doughnuts. Welcoming words Arch #108
9:30am-10:25am: Panel 1. Policies, sociolinguistics and interculturality.
Arch #108. Moderator: Lenin Lozano (University of Pennsylvania)
- Policy vs. practice: The case of the Brúnkajk language in Costa Rica, Aroline E. Seibert Hanson, (Arcadia University)
- Urban Native, Cholo, Indígena in the City: Indigenous Linguistic Assimilation across the Hemisphere. Arnold Arnez, (Hunter College, CUNY)
10:25am-12:00pm. Parallel Session 2A: Acercamientos críticos a la enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas indígenas de Abya Yala.
Arch #108. Moderator: Maria F. Vivanco (Pennsylvania State University)
- Amu’s le wajtij / Mi maestro es ladino – Enseñanza de lenguas indígenas y creación de materiales de libre acceso (open access) – K’iche’. Ignacio Carvajal (University of Kansas)
- Mi viaje al Istmo de Tehuantepec – Diidxazá. Marco Antonio Huerta-Alardín (University of California, Irvine)
- Gal rseidy Dizhsa Universida: Retos en la enseñanza de la lengua zapoteca en las universidades en California. Felipe H. Lopez (University of California, San Diego)
- Trabajo en el sistema bilingüe pero no hablo idioma: tseltal y mocho. Jaime Pérez González (University of Texas, Austin)
10:25-12:00pm. Parallel Session 2B: Language and identities of the Andes. Arch #109. Moderator: César Coca-Vargas (CUNY, Graduate Center)
- Yachay Quechua: Plataforma Web para promover el aprendizaje del Quechua Cusqueño mediante tecnologías de información. Luigi Salas Miranda (Universidad Andina del Cusco)
- Verb Root Alternations in Salasaka Kichwa, Robin Aronow, L. Salay (Temple University)
- Vocales y jueces supremos: Quechua trivocálico vs. pentavocálico. Odi Gonzales (New York University)
- The Quechua Innovation and Teaching Initiative (QINTI) and the need for Quechua Second Language Teaching in Peru. Carlos Molina-Vital (University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign)
12:00pm-12:50pm. Parallel Session 3A. Workshop by Candy Hurtado (executive director of the Kuyayky Foundation): Andean dance styles: The Huayno and Its Multiple Dance Expressions
Arch 108
12:00pm-12:50pm. Parallel session 3B. Mayan languages: teaching and policies
Arch 109. Moderator: Lina Martínez-Hernández (Drexel University)
- “Maya language policies and laws in Guatemala” Hana Muzika Kahn (Temple University)
- Kaqchikel Maya and Spanish: Language Use and Acquisition, Jonathan Holmquist and Hana Muzika Kahn (Temple University)
1:00pm-2:20pm “Mother Tongue” Film screening and Q&A with director Gabina Funegra (Lunch provided)
Arch #108
The documentary chronicles Gabina’s search for her indigenous roots through the story of Quechua- the Inca language. Gabina uses participatory visual ethnography to explore the state of Quechua worldwide as well as strategies for its revival and maintenance. Quechua is now being promoted in some of the greatest cities of the world, including Cusco, Paris, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.
2:20pm-4:00pm Panel 4. Educational Resources and revitalization efforts.
Arch #108. Moderator: Lauren McDonald (University of Pennsylvania)
- Zapotec Talking Dictionaries: collaboration, documentation, and language activism. K. David Harrison (Swarthmore College & New York Botanical Garden), Brook Danielle Lillehaugen (Haverford College), Jeremy Fahringer, (Swarthmore College), Felipe H. Lopez, (University of California, San Diego), Saul Ontiveros (Haverford College)
- Representing Local Specialized Knowledge in Trilingual Zapotec ‘Talking’ Dictionaries. Graham Mauro, Jaime Metzger, Ben Paul (Haverford College)
- The Linguistic Data Consortium: Developing and Sharing Resources for Indigenous Languages. Christopher Cieri, Denise DiPersio (Linguistic Data Consortium)
- Finding Affordances for Language Learning at a Zapotec Revitalization Program. Kate Riestenberg (Bryn Mawr College)
4:00pm-4:45pm. “Indigenous issues at the United Nations: proclaiming the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages” Guest speaker: Diego Tituaña
Arch 108
Diego Tituaña, a Kichwa Otavalo from Ecuador, is a diplomat of the Ecuadorian Foreign Service. He has served at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations since 2014 and has been in charge of human rights, disarmament, and international security agendas. Mr. Tituaña has multilateral experience in the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples. He was the Facilitator for the United Nations Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples from 2014 to 2019. Under his leadership, the United Nations started two important actions for the indigenous peoples of the world: the process of enhancing their participation at the United Nations and the Proclamation of 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
5:00pm: Andean Music Presentation by Kuyayky. Closing remarks
Irvine Auditorium (34th Street and Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104)
Kuyayky is one of the most popular and newly influential bands in Andean music. The band has contributed to the prominence and revival of huayno music and Quechua traditional music from the central Peruvian Andes.
- Additional Activity: Tour at Penn’s new Meso American gallery
Location: Penn Museum, (RSVP required)
Sunday, October 27th, 11:00 AM:
Sign up here for the Meso American Gallery tour at the Penn Museum