
It is well appreciated that many disordered materials deform their shape irreversibly (plastically) under an external load (e.g., memory foam). Here, we show that this plasticity can be exploited to train materials to develop novel elastic responses by straining them periodically. By applying different periodic strains to a common viscoelastic material, we are able to design a number of different responses. These include a maximally negative Poisson’s ratio, bistable behavior, and nonlocal bond-specific responses. In contrast to computer-aided design, we rely on plasticity to self-organize the system in response to local stresses. This approach shows promise to achieve an unprecedented control over behavior at large strains well beyond the linear-response regime.


We consider disordered solids in which the microscopic elements can deform plastically in response to stresses on them. We show that by driving the system periodically, this plasticity can be exploited to train in desired elastic properties, both in the global moduli and in local “allosteric” interactions. Periodic driving can couple an applied “source” strain to a “target” strain over a path in the energy landscape. This coupling allows control of the system’s response, even at large strains well into the nonlinear regime, where it can be difficult to achieve control simply by design.