Strategic growth in faculty size, from 486 in AY14 to 515 in AY20
Retention rate of 76.5% from AY14-18
Appointed 4 Penn Integrates Knowledge professors
Raised support for 14 new endowed chairs
From AY13-18, 73% of newly appointed faculty were women; 30% minorities; 18% underrepresented minorities
Hiring practices were strengthened
Retention rate for women and minorities was comparable to the rate for the overall population
New SAS Dean’s Diversity Council was established
A new Faculty Diversity Action Plan was released in 2019
Building of PhD and postdoctoral pipelines
Faculty Development
A 2016 Task Force reviewed how faculty research and teaching are assessed at time of promotion and recommended improvements in evaluation of teaching and enhancement of junior faculty mentoring.
A new group mentoring program for junior faculty, The First Two Years, debuted in AY19
A new individual mentoring program is scheduled to launch in AY20
Six departments have been participating in a pilot program exploring improvements in teaching evaluation
Targeted expansion of non-standing faculty tracks to enhance curriculum, including new Professors of Practice (currently 8), new Lecturers/Senior Lecturers in Critical Writing (current number – 13); and expanded Artists-in-Residence track (current number – 5)
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