Dr. Tukufu Zuberi is the Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations at the University of Pennsylvania, the founder of the TZ Production Company, and the writer, producer, and director of African Independence. Dr. Zuberi is dedicated to bringing a fresh view of culture and society to the public through various platforms such as guest lecturing at universities, television programs, and interactive social media and exhibitions. Currently, he works on human rights initiatives by participating in public speaking engagements, international collaborations with transnational organizations, and individuals dedicated to human equality.
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Chicago, 1989
M.A. Sociology, California State University, Sacramento, 1985
B.A. Sociology, San Jose State University, 1981
Contact Information
Email: tukufu@pop.upenn.edu
Work Address:
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
3718 Locust Walk McNeil Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: (215) 573-5169