Tukufu Zuberi offers a concise account of the historical connections between the development of the idea of race and the birth of social statistics. Zuberi describes how race-differentiated data are misinterpreted in the social sciences and asks searching questions about the ways racial statistics are used. He argues that statistical analysis can and must be deracialized, and that this deracialization is essential to the goal of achieving social justice for all.

A call to action and, Zuberi hopes, a precursor to a conversation about the real meaning of race, ethnicity, and political power in America.

-Time Magazine

Zuberi shows just how vicious-especially through the use of statistics-the notion of race has been when it has been employed to protect the interest of those in power (whites), especially those who say that because race does not exist, racism is not real.

-Michael Eric Dyson in Chicago Sun-Times

Tukufu Zuberi’s critical assessment of the analysis of racial data in Thicker Than Blood is a tour de force. His discussion and evaluation of the use of racial statistics in historical and cross-cultural contexts is original and important.

-William Julius Wilson, Harvard University