Share a Cocoa

The book is hard. Really, really hard.

Ask questions here and we’ll all sincerely try to help. No question is too dumb, believe me. I tried reading the novel five times before I finally made it through. Believe me, this is just one of those rare books in which the more you know about it the better it gets.

3 thoughts on “Share a Cocoa

  1. Okay, 8 days until Bloomsday ’09. Let’s get this part set up to answer questions. Mike and I will be checking in here regularly for now, but as this particular area of the site grows we’ll start setting it up as a forum for anyone to use.

    So ask away….

  2. Rob, a few songs are alluded to repeatedly throughout Ulysses, for example “The Croppy Boy” and “Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye.” With regard to the actual text of those songs have you considered posting the lyrics somewhere on your site? Or is that information available on websites your visitors can hyperlink? Is there general agreement on the exact words or are there variations?

  3. One of the great features of using the wordpress blog is how easily it allows for other types of media to be inserted, Clyde. Yes, we’re very interested in putting more of the music into people’s hands through the site. We’ve not had an opportunity to expand on it much yet, but the portion in the House of Keyes entitled “Chamber Music” will allow that.

    Mike we’ll be adding links where they apply on his Readers’ Guide pages as well. Lyrics certainly, but music files whenever we can find them. There’s a good site here for Joyce related music;
    and you can access that at any time through our blogroll.

    but we’re always looking for more content like that. If anyone has a good music file for “Fergus’ Song (Who Goes With Fergus?)” I’d love to hear it.

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