And I’m very excited about that.
I had the opportunity to see GIBRALTAR when Patrick premiered it in NYC last October. I was skeptical at first, but it won me over in an instant. A fuller review of why can be found here.
But it’s truly a fantastic play and a very loyal adaptation of the novel that I can not suggest highly enough.
So Patrick and I, along with support from my good friend Allen Radway, Artistic Director at Simpatico Theatre Project, worked hard at finding a way to bring it down here for Bloomsday in Philadelphia. So, with the help and support of Rachel Dukeman and Plays & Players, GIBRALTAR will be here for four shows around the holiday.
We wanted it to be a fun, intriguing and friendly adjunct for first-time Joyce fans at site close-by all of the Rosenbach goings-on. Just down the block. We’ve even found a friendly Irish Pub around the corner, The Black Sheep, willing to give us a deal on food and pints for the extended Bloomsday week. It’s shaping up to be a little “Odyssey”, a wandering through the Rittenhouse Square area of Philly as we celebrate and appreciate the holiday.
Plays & Players, for those of you who aren’t from Philly and might not know the theatre, celebrates its hundredth anniversary next year and is a classic beautiful space just a few blocks from the Rosenbach.
I must say, this is one of the best experiences with the text I’ve ever had. Patrick and Cara nail it, offering a presentation of the wonderful, erudite, scatological, challenging, modern and passionate language of the 732 page book into just under two hours of theatre. If you’ve not made it through the novel yet, this is your primer.
There will be an exhibit of the “Calypso” artwork at Plays & Players as well as a gallery talk on Wednesday night. Seriously, you should join us.