Farewell to Dr. Tomasz Bieluszewski

The Wagner Lab gathered to say goodbye and our best wishes to Dr. Tomasz Bieluszewski (Tomek, fourth from the right on the back row). Tomek played the most critical role in the chromatin research in the Wagner Lab. After five long years of hard work, Tomek is going back to his home country Poland, and will start establishing his own lab and continue his amazing research. We appreciate all his contributions (and the cute present he left for us, see below), we send along with him all our best wishes and we hope to see him succeed in his career!

Penn Arts & Sciences Launches Plant ARC

The Plant Adaptability and Resilience Center (Plant ARC), led by Doris, was launched on October 14, 2024. The Plant ARC aims to enhance plant development and fortitude in the face of climate change, which impacts food security, human health, and ecosystems through more extreme and unpredictable weather events. Join us at the one-day symposium “Climate Solutions for the Living World” (register)!

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Aditya’s farewell gathering

Thank you, Aditya (second from the front on the right bench), for your impressive research on understanding SWI/SNF complex functions, as well as for your excellent protein purification skills. All the best for the next steps in your career!

Wagner and Husbands Lab fun time






Wagner and Husbands Lab members having fun at Liberty Grounds

It was an afternoon full of laughters and surprises – first time mini golf experience for many of us, and nicely setup cornhole tournament between Team Wagner and Team Husbands. Oh and don’t forget Sarah, the queen of cornhole!

Sarah is now married!

Wagner Lab at Sarah’s Wedding

Congratulations to Sarah and her newly married husband Arsalan! Wagner Lab members were at the wedding to send their best wishes to Sarah and Arsalan. Hope their journeys together for the rest of their life are filled with happiness and love!

Modesola’s farewell

Modesola's farewell

Thank you, Modesola Olaniyi (third from the front on the left bench) for your excellent research on overcoming Polycomb expression for the last couple of years. All the best for the next steps in your career!