Forthcoming Book
Blair Sackett’s and Annette Lareau’s co-authored ethnography study, We Thought It Would Be Heaven: Refugees in an Unequal America, will be published by University of California Press in the summer of 2023. Fleeing war and violence, many refugees dream that moving to the United States will be like going to Heaven. Instead, they enter a deeply unequal American society, often at the bottom. Through the lived experiences of families resettled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Blair Sackett and Annette Lareau reveal how a daunting obstacle course of agencies and services can drastically alter refugees’ experiences building a new life in America.
Research Team (Timu ya Utafiti)
![]() Annette Lareau |
![]() Blair Sackett |
![]() Frida Aloo |
![]() Maria Apiyo Odongo |
![]() Mirriam Chemutai Ronoh |
Study Description (Maelezo ya Utafiti)
Getting Settled: Refugees Navigating Their Way | Kupata Makazi: Wakimbizi wakiendesha njia zao |
War, political upheaval, and, increasingly, climate change have contributed to a dramatic rise in the number of refugees worldwide. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, ongoing war and conflict has caused refugees flee their homes in very difficult conditions. Many live for years in refugee camps. Some are resettled to the United States—often with little preparation. We are writing a book on the experiences of Congolese refugees families as they make this adjustment to life in the US. Blair Sackett, a doctoral student, got to know five of these families when they arrived in 2015, visiting them and conducting interviews with them, documenting the joys and challenges they’ve faced over the last five years. Now, to complete the picture, we are conducting interviews through phone and Zoom with additional Congolese refugee families, particularly those in the larger Philadelphia area. The interviews are in Swahili or English. Blair and three undergraduate research assistants, Maria Apiyo Odongo, Mirriam Chemutai, and Frida Aloo, are carrying out the interviews. For the refugees, there is a small gift card as a thank you for helping us.
We are trying to understand how newcomers find jobs, manage finances, interact with government offices, and navigate American schools. We are also talking with aid workers, and volunteers, who have worked with refugee families. Everything is confidential, including the real names of people we interview to ensure their anonymity. Once we are finished with research, we will write a book about the lives of Congolese families resettled here, and the things we’ve learned from talking to refugees and those who are helping them. The book will be published by the University of California Press. Our hope is that it will deepen the understanding of not only students in universities but church volunteers, aid workers, and everyone who helps refugees make the transition as they pursue the American Dream. If you have any questions about this study please contact:
Vita, machafuko ya kisiasa, na, mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yamechangia kuongezeka kwa hesabu ya wakimbizi kote duniani. Katika jamhuri ya kidemokrasia ya Congo, vita vinavyoendelea na migogoro imesababisha wakimbizi kutoroka kutoka nchi zao katika hali ngumu sana. Wengi wameishi kwa muda katika kambi za wakimbizi. Wengine wamepata makazi mapya katika nchi ya marekani pasi na matayarisho ya kutosha. Tunaandika kitabu kuhusu familia za wakimbizi wakongo ambao wanajaribu kuzoea maisha marekani. Blair Sackett, mwanafunzi aliyehitimu, aliweza kujua tano kati ya hizi familia walipowasili mwaka wa elfu mbili kumi na tano, akiwatembelea na kuwahoji, akiandika kuhusu changamoto na mafanikio waliyoyapata katika miaka tano iliyopita. Sasa, ili kumalizia, tunafanya mahojiano ya simu na kwenye mtandao wa zoom na familia zingine za wakimbizi wakongo, haswa wale wanaoishi katika eneo la Philadelphia. Mahojiano ni katika lugha ya Kiswahili ama kiingereza. Blair na wanafunzi wengine watatu wa shahada ya chini wanaosaidia katika utafiti Maria Apiyo Odongo, Mirriam Chemutai, na Frida Aloo, wanafanya mahojiano. Kwa wakimbizi, tunapeana kadi ya zawadi kama shukrani kwa kutusaidia.
Tunajaribu kuelewa jinsi watu wageni hupata kazi, usimamizi wa fedha, ushirikiano wao na ofisi za serikali na uzoefu wao wa shule za marekani. Pia tunazungumza na wafanyikazi wa misaada na wale wa kujitolea, ambao wamefanya kazi na familia hizi za wakimbizi. Kila kitu ni siri, ikiwemo majina kamili ya watu ambao tumewahoji ili kuhakikisha kutokujulikana. Baada ya kumaliza utafiti huu, tutaandika kitabu kuhusu maisha wa wakimbizi wakongo ambao wamepata makaazi mapya huku, na mambo ambayo tumejifunza kutokana na kuongea na wakimbizi na wale ambao wanawasaidia. Kitabu hicho kitachapishwa na chuo kikuu cha California. Matumaini yetu ni kuwa itaimarisha kuelewa, sio tu kwa wanafunzi katika vyuo vikuu bali kwa wafanyikazi wa kujitolea wa makanisa, wafanyikazi wa misaada, na kila mtu ambaye anasaidia wakimbizi katika mapito hata wanapofuatilia ndoto zao za marekani. Iwapo una maswali yoyote kuhusu utafiti huu tafadhali wasiliana na: |