Tobias Baumgart
baumgart at
Professor of Physical & Biological Chemistry
Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Additionally, member of the graduate groups of Bioengineering, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, and Physics.
Diploma in Chemistry from the University of Clausthal, Germany (1998)
PhD from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (2001)
Postdoctoral associate with Prof. Watt Webb at Cornell University (2001 – 2005)




Tyler Reagle

email: treagle at

Hometown: Pen Argyl, PA

Graduated From: University of Delaware

Major: Biochemistry,  Joined Lab: December 2019

Research: Energy transduction by transmembrane lipid transporters (flippases) and the thermodynamic consequences of membrane asymmetry


 Karthik B. Narayan
From: India
Graduated from: VIT University, University of Pennsylvania
Joined lab: Jan 2020






Samsuzzoha Mondal

Email: smondal at

From: West Bengal, India

PhD: TIFR, Mumbai, India; PhD Advisor: Dr. Ankona Datta

PhD Thesis Title: Design and development of optical probes for imaging signal mediating phospholipids.

Joined Lab: Jan 2018

Research: Tracking the dynamics of curvature generating proteins in membrane trafficking pathways.



Honey Priya James


From: Kerala, India

PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Research: Effect of phosphorylation on phase separation of proteins




Aparna Swain     

From: Odisha, India

PhD: Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore; Advisor: Prof. Jaydeepkumar Basu

PhD Thesis title: Dynamics and Transport Properties in Polymer Nanocomposites: Role of Interfacial Entropic and Enthalpic Effects

Joined lab: January 2023

Research: Understanding the binding kinetics of protein-protein and protein-lipid interaction via single                                                                                                                 molecule TIRF microscope.



Jason Zheng
Email Address: j3zheng at
Hometown: Holmdel, NJ
Graduated From: Holmdel High School
Major: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Joined Lab: May 2021
Research: FEME-related protein engineering and phase separation




Jason Wang


Joined lab: January 2022

Research: Study the mechanisms of cell behaviour through simulation and analyzing experimental data


 Francesco Milano


Joined lab: December 2021

Research: Liquid-liquid phase separation of FEME-related proteins







Samuel A Botterbush

Position in group: Undergraduate student

Rui Jin

Position in group: Graduate student

Zachary Zimmerman

Position in group: Graduate student

Sankalp Shukla

Position in group: Graduate student

Imania Powers

Position in group: Undergraduate student

Jaclyn Robustelli

Position in group: Graduate student

current position: Senior scientist, research and development at LifeSensors

Sohini Mukherjee

Position in group: PostDoc

Chun Liu

Position in group: Graduate student

Samantha Wilner

Position in group: PostDoc

Current Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Ursinus College

Zachary T Graber

Position in group: PostDoc

Current Position:Associate Professor of Chemistry position at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Mount Vernon, OH

Ningwei Li

Position in group: Graduate Student

Current position: postdoc in University of Massachusetts Amherst

Zhiming Chen

Position in group: Graduate Student

Current Position: postdoc in UT Southwestern Medical Center

Ehsan Atefi

Position in Group: Post Doc

Katarzyna I Jankowska

Position in lab: Postdoc

Current position: postdoc in CHOP, UPenn

Zheng Shi

Position in lab: graduate student

Current position: postdoc in Harvard

Chen Zhu

Position in lab: graduate student

Tingting Wu

Position in lab:graduate student

Current position: consultant in Deloit

Wan-Ting Hsieh

Position in group: Graduate student

Ben Capraro

Position in group: Graduate Student

Current position: Post Doc at Harvard University

Chih-Jung Hsu

Position in group: Graduate Student

Current Position: Post Doc at NIH

Michael Heinrich

Position in group: Graduate Student

Cinzia Esposito

Position in Group: Post Doc

Current Position: Cinzia is currently working in the Biophysical Chemistry Department at Biozentrum, University of Basel in Switzerland.

Aiwei Tian

Position in Group: Graduate Student

Current Position: Aiwei is a Post Doc at University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Chemistry.

Serenity Wang

Position in Group: Graduate Student

Current Position: Serenity is currently a second-year law student at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law.