2018 Norms and Behavioral Change Workshop

We are happy to announce the 2018 Norms and Behavioral Change Workshop.

 The workshop is jointly organized by Cristina Bicchieri and Eugen Dimant, and sponsored by the Behavioral Ethics Lab and the Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences (MBDS) program at the University of Pennsylvania.

This two-day workshop brings together researchers studying the relationships between social norms and behavioral change. This includes, but is not limited to, experimental, empirical, and theoretical research investigating the formation, change, and abolishment of norms and their role in affecting and being affected by individual and collective behavior. We also welcome research investigating the relationship between nudges and norms and the ways in which they can inform each other. The goal of this workshop is to understand and advance the frontier of knowledge in this interdisciplinary area of research. We will also invite representatives from institutions that already have or plan to form behavioral units as a way to inform and improve their business. The second day of the workshop will conclude with a panel discussion involving both scholars and institutional representatives. Simon Gächter (University of Nottingham) will give the keynote lecture.

Interested scholars who are not presenting are welcome to attend the workshop as well.

We welcome applications from early-career and senior researchers from economics, psychology, and any adjacent fields. A selective group of speakers working at the frontier of this research field will be given ample time to present their research to the audience. To encourage the dialogue with young researchers (PhD level), we will provide the opportunity for a poster session during which these PhD students can showcase their work. Interested scholars who are not presenting are welcome to attend the workshop as well. Regular fee: $200. Reduced fee for PhD students: $150. Fees will cover meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) and other activities during the workshop. Participants will need to arrange their own transportation and accommodation.

 Relevant details

  • Venue: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • Date:October 4-5, 2018
  • Submission deadline:May 31, 2018
  • Where to submit:Registration Link
  • What to submit: extended abstract (<1000 words)
  • More information:Website
  • Questions?NoBeC2018@gmail.com

 We are looking forward to welcoming you in Philadelphia!