
Click for syllabi of past courses:


Theatre Arts 236:  Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2021.

Theatre Arts 275: Modern Drama: Ibsen to WWI, Fall,  2021.

Theatre Arts 274:  Dramaturgy, Fall, 2020.

Theatre Arts 236:  Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2020.

Theatre Arts 102: Theatre, Culture and Society II: Romantics, Realists, and Revolutionaries, Spring 2020.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring 2020.

Theatre Arts 236:  Acting Shakespeare, Fall 2019.

Theatre Arts 275:  Modern Drama:  Ibsen to WWI, Fall 2019

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall 2018.

Theatre Arts 275: Shakespeare Performance History, Fall 2018,

Theatre Arts 102:  Theatre, Culture and Society II: Romantics, Realists, and Revolutionaries, Spring 2018.

Theatre Arts 274:  Dramaturgy, Spring 2018.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2017.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2016.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Fall, 2016.

Theatre Arts 102: Theatre, Culture, and Society II: Romantics, Realists, and Revolutionaries, Spring, 2016.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring, 2016.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2015

Theatre Arts 275: Shakespeare Performance History, Fall, 2015.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring, 2015.

Theatre Arts 102: Theatre, Culture, and Society II: Romantics, Realists, and Revolutionaries (with Rose Malague), Spring, 2015.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakspeare, Fall, 2014.

Theatre Arts 275: Seeds of Modern Drama, Fall, 2014.

Theatre Arts 240: Topics in Theatre History: Blackface, Yellowface, Redface, Jewface, Spring, 2014.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring, 2014.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2013.

Theatre Arts 275: Seeds of Modern Drama, Fall, 2013.

Theatre Arts 112: Theatre, History, and Culture III: Modernism to Post-Modernism, Spring, 2013.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring, 2013.

Theatre Arts 275: Shakespeare Performance History, Fall, 2012.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2012.

Theatre Arts 240: Topics in Theatre History: Blackface, Yellowface, Redface, Jewface: Theatrical Representations of ‘Others'” , Spring, 2012.

Theatre Arts 275: Seeds of Modern Drama, Spring, 2012.

Theatre Arts 120: Theatre, History, Culture III: Modernism and Post-Modernism, Fall, 2011.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall, 2011.

Theatre Arts 275: Adaptation (The Edinburgh Project), Spring, 2011.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Spring, 2011.

Theatre Arts 112: Theatre, History, and Culture III: Modrnism to Post-Modernism, Fall, 2010.

Theatr e Arts 121: Fundamentals of Directing, Fall, 2010.

Theatre Arts 240: Topics in Theatre History: American Theatre Left and Right, Spring 2010.

Theatre Arts 275: Documentary Drama, Spring 2010.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall 2009.

Theatre Arts 275: Seeds of Modern Drama, Fall, 2009.

Theatre Arts 112/English 98: Theatre, History, Culture III: Modernism to Post-Modernism, Spring 2009.

Theatre Arts 240/English 376: Topics in Theatre History: Blackface, Yellowface, Redface, Jewface: Theatrical Representations of ‘Others'” , Spring 2009.

Theatre Arts 236: Acting Shakespeare, Fall 2008.

Theatre Arts 274: Dramaturgy, Fall 2008.

Theatre Arts 121: Fundamentals of Directing, Spring 2008.

Theatre Arts 240/English 346: Topics in Theatre History: Comparative Cross-Dressing, Spring 2008.

Theatre Arts 112/English 98: “Theatre, History, Culture III: Modernism to Post-Modernism “, Fall, 2007.

Theatre Arts 275/English 256: “The Seeds of Modern Drama”

Theatre Arts/English 236: “Acting Shakespeare”, Spring, 2007.

Theatre Arts 240/English 276: “Topics in Theatre History: American Theatre Left and Right: Performance, Culture, and Politics in the 1930s, 50s, and 80s.”, Spring, 2007.

Theatre Arts 274: “Dramaturgy”, Fall, 2007.

English 597: “Shakespeare: Text, Script, Performance, Performance History”, Fall, 2007.

Theatre Arts 110: “Western Drama”, Spring, 2006.

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Comparative Cross-Dressing”, Spring, 2006.

Theatre Arts/English 236: “Acting Shakespeare”, Fall, 2005.

Theatre Arts 215: “Theories of Theatre”, Fall, 2005.

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Theatre in Times of Social Crisis”, Spring 2004

Theatre Arts/English 236: “Shakespeare: Stage-Centered Approaches”, Spring 2004.

Theatre Arts 100: “Introduction to Theatre Arts”, Fall 2003.

English 597: “Modern Scholarship, Contemporary Performance, Early Modern Scripts”, Fall 2003.

Theatre Arts 290/Management 253: “Creating, Managing and Presenting the Arts”, Fall, 2003.

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Construction and Reconstruction”, Spring 2003.

Theatre Arts 275/English 271: “Advanced Topics in Theatre: Theatre Criticism”, Spring, 2003.

Theatre Arts 100: “Introduction to Theatre Arts”, Fall 2002.

Theatre Arts 275/English 271: “Advanced Topics in Theatre: Dramaturgy”, Fall 2002.

Theatre Arts 280/Management 253: “Creating, Managing and Presenting the Arts.” Fall 2002.

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Popular Comic Theatres”, Spring 2002.

English/Theatre Arts 236: “Shakespeare: Stage-Centered Approaches.”, Spring 2002.

Theatre Arts 100: “Introduction to Theatre”, Fall 2001.

English 599: “Documenting Historical Performance”, Fall 2001.

Theatre Arts 110 “Western Drama”, Spring 2001.

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Comparative Cross-dressing”, Spring 2001.

Theatre Arts 100: “Introduction to Theatre”, Fall 2000.

Theatre Arts 140: “Advanced Topics in Theatre: Dramaturgy”, Fall 2000

Theatre Arts 280/Management 253: Creating, Managing and Presenting the Arts, Fall 2000

Theatre Arts 140: “Topics in Theatre History: Romanticism and Melodrama”, Spring 2000.

Theatre Arts 275: “Advanced Topics in Theatre: Theatre Criticism”, Spring 2000.

Theatre Arts 100: “Introduction to Theatre Arts”, Fall 1999.

English 597: “Modern Scholarship, Contemporary Performance, Early-Modern Scripts”, Fall 1999.

Theatre Arts 140: Topics in Theatre History: Reconstructions, Spring 1999.

Theatre Arts/English 236: Stage-Centered Approaches to Shakespeare, Spring 1999.

Theatre Arts 100: Introduction to Theatre Arts, Fall 1998.

Theatre Arts 275: Advanced Topics in Theatre: Dramaturgy, Fall 1998.

English 76: Modern Drama, Ibsen-WWI, Spring 1998.

Theatre Arts 140: Topics in Theatre History: “Realisms”, Spring 1998.

Theatre Arts 180/Management 253: Creating, Managing and Presenting the Arts (co-taught with Larry Robbins), Spring 1998.

Theatre Arts 100: Introduction to Theatre Arts, Fall, 1997.

English/Theatre Arts 236: Shakespeare: Stage-Centered Approaches, Fall 1997.

Theatre Arts 100: Introduction to Theatre Arts, Fall 1996.

Theatre Arts 140: Topics in Theatre History: Victorian Theatre, Fall, 1996.

English 235: Shakespeare Performance History: 1660-the Present, Spring 1996.

Theatre Arts 275: Advanced Topics in Theatre: Twentieth-Century Ensembles, Spring 1996.

Theatre Arts 100: Introduction to Theatre Arts, Fall 1995.

Theatre Arts 140: Topics in Theatre History: Baroque and Neo-Classical Theatre, Fall 1995.