EAS Miscellany encourages submissions in the form of blog posts, interviews, multimedia sources, reviews of exhibits or digital projects or conferences, and other materials that do not fit easily within the printed journal. We also welcome proposals for forums to discuss topics of interest to early Americanists, or ideas for other, novel kinds of contributions, including creative works.
We especially seek submissions that fit into one of the following categories:
- Contemporary Connections — that explore the relationship between the early American past and contemporary issues;
- Teaching EAS — that offer ideas or lesson plans for teaching early American studies, especially EAS articles, in high school, college, or university classrooms;
- Source Highlights — that analyze source materials (primary-source texts, objects, visual materials, etc.) or methods that would be of interest to interdisciplinary audiences.
Feel free to pitch an idea to us. We are committed to showcasing interdisciplinary perspectives, and strongly encourage early Americanists from all disciplines to submit their work.
Submissions and inquiries should be sent to earlyamericanmisc@gmail.com.
Please read the guidelines below before submitting.
Writing Guidelines
Contributions should be in the range of 750-800 words, although we will consider shorter or longer submissions. Because our audience includes not just scholars, but also interested members of the public and students, contributions should be written in an approachable, easy-to-understand, and jargon-free style.
Style: When writing your submission, think of telling a story. Keep in mind that web-based readers have innumerable options, and you need to persuade them to read your piece. A strong, catchy title will give readers a sense of the story you will tell. Then, come up with an introductory hook that will grab and hold readers’ attention. Finally, make an effort to draw readers into your piece by keeping the style conversational and sentences and paragraphs short.
Citations: EAS Miscellany, like its print counterpart, follows the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Citations can take the form of endnotes or be included as hyperlinks within the text. Please do not use both styles. Endnotes, in particular, should be kept to a minimum.
Accuracy: Authors should confirm the spelling of all proper names and verify all factual information before submitting their work for consideration.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions to EAS Miscellany must be new and original work. We strongly advise authors to pitch an idea to us before writing and submitting a piece.
In most cases, submissions will contain four components:
- The TEXT of your SUBMISSION — a double-spaced Word file (.docx) that follows this naming convention: LastName_ShortTitle_EASMisc. Submissions should be emailed to us at the address above.
Please submit the three remaining components (media, biographical statement, and headshot) as separate files via the Google form located at the bottom of this page.
- HEADSHOT — a photo of yourself. Please name this file: LastName_photo.
- BIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT — a brief, two- to three-sentence biography with your name, institutional affiliation(s), and research interests. Please include your email. If you wish, you may also list your Twitter handle (if you have one) and other social media contact information. If you want to list your pronouns, please do so.
- ILLUSTRATIONS or other MEDIA to accompany your submission — Please identify and, if possible, include copies of or links to at least three forms of media (images, video, audio, etc.) that will illustrate or enhance your submission. (See the Media Guidelines below for specifics, including the Google form you’ll use to submit these files and their captions.) In naming your media files, please follow this convention: LastName_ShortTitle_1; LastName_Short Title_2; etc. Finally, in the text of your submission, please mark where these media files would be best placed. Create a new paragraph and use [Figure #] to mark the space where an image should appear, or use [Table #] or [Video #] for other forms of media.
We will acknowledge receipt of your submission. Submissions will then be reviewed and edited by the editorial staff. If your submission is accepted for publication, you will receive editorial suggestions and will be expected to revise your submission before publication. The editors reserve the right to make the final determination of headlines, captions, pull quotes, and other forms of display. We also reserve the right to make minor copyediting changes for clarity or accuracy to the final copy. Finally, please note that submission does not guarantee publication.
Media Guidelines
Authors should identify at least three forms of media to accompany their submissions.
- Media can consist of images, video, audio, etc.
- Media should have clearly defined relevance to your submission. Rather simply submitting visually appealing illustrations, think about how your media interacts with the story you are telling and integrate it into your text. Write captions that explain what readers are supposed to notice in your media.
- Ideally, media should be in the public domain. When an item is not in the public domain, authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions and paying any fees associated with publishing them on our site.
Images or Illustrations — Please submit .JPG and .PNG files in high resolution. Specific file size (both megabyte and pixel count) will vary from image to image. Most institutions provide multiple size options for downloading media; in these cases, opt for a high-resolution .JPG or .PNG file when available. Also, please always include links to media repositories as part of the captions, as per the caption guidelines below.
Other Forms of Media — If you are including audio or video files, or some other kind of digital media, please note that most of these files will be too large to attach to an email or the Google form below. Instead, please provide a link to the audio or video file (e.g., YouTube, SoundCloud, etc.) with your submission, and we will embed it on our site when your piece is published.
Captions — Please write brief but descriptive captions to accompany the media you submit. Captions should include the following components: a) title and descriptive caption that tells readers what an item is and what they should see or notice about it; b) full citation in Chicago Manual of Style format with URL (if applicable); and c) permission/credit line. Citations such as “Source: Wikimedia Commons” are not acceptable.
Rights & Permissions — Images in the public domain should come from reputable hosting organizations. Media on Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, and other popular media-sharing sites can generally be traced to an institution that owns the source and its image (or another version of it), and many–though not all–of these institutions have policies that allow for the free use of images made available on their digital repositories. Authors are responsible for following the rights and permissions policies of the owning institution of each image and for acknowledging those institutions correctly.
Please use this GOOGLE FORM to upload your media files and write your captions.