Virtual IEDP Invited Lecture Series Event:
Outlier Vietnam and the Problem of Embeddedness: Contributions to the Political Economy of Learning
Dr. Jonathan London
March 26, 2021
9:30-11:00am EST
Join Us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 967 6719 6714
Passcode: 734
Dr. Jonathan D. London is Associate Professor of Global Political Economy – Asia at the Leiden Institute of Area Studies. He has previously held positions at the City University of Hong Kong and Nanyang Technological University. Dr. London is a leading scholar of contemporary Vietnam. Dr. London’s research interests span the fields of comparative political economy, development studies, and the political economy of welfare and inequality. Fluent in Vietnamese, London is author of the first and only Vietnamese language blog on Vietnamese politics written by a foreigner. He has served as an analyst for such international organizations as UNDP, UNICEF, and OXFAM. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin.