Penn Education and Inequality Workshop Working Paper Series
- van Stee, Elena. 2021. “Privileged Dependence, Precarious Autonomy: Parental Support Through the Lens of COVID-19.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #13.
- Bryer, Ellen. 2022. ““Not Nearly as Bad”: Social Comparisons and the Debt Experience.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #12.
- Hannum, Emily, Xiaoying Liu, and Fan Wang. 2021. “Estimating the Effects of Educational System Consolidation: The Case of China’s Rural School Closure Initiative.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #11.
Hannum, Emily and Fan Wang. 2022. “Fewer, Better Pathways For All? Intersectional Impacts of Rural School Consolidation in China’s Minority Regions.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #10.
Liu, Ran. 2019. “Do Family Privileges Bring Gender Equality? Instrumentalism and (De)Stereotyping of STEM Career Aspiration Among Chinese Adolescents.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #9.
Shen, Wensong, Li-Chung Hu, and Emily Hannum. 2020. “Effect Pathways of Informal Family Separation on Children’s Outcomes: Paternal Labor Migration and Long-term Educational Attainment of Left-Behind Children in Rural China.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #8.
Wright, Marcus. 2021. “Generation-Blindness and the COVID-19 Websites of Highly Selective Universities.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #7.
Shen, Wensong. 2019. “A Tangled Web: The Reciprocal Relationship between Depression and Educational Outcomes in China.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #6.
Young, Natalie A. E. and Emily Hannum. 2018 “Childhood Inequality in China.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #5.
Liu, Ran, Andrea Alvarado-Urbina, and Emily Hannum. 2019. “Differences at the Extremes? Gender, National Contexts, and Math Performance in Latin America.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #4.
Liu, Ran. 2018 “Gender-Math Stereotype, Biased Self-Assessment, and Aspiration in STEM Careers: The Gender Gap among Early Adolescents in China.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #3.
Young, Natalie A. E. 2020. “Getting the Teacher’s Attention: Parent-Teacher Contact and Teachers’ Behavior in the Classroom.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #2.
- Young, Natalie A. E. 2018. “Departing from the Beaten Path: International Schools in China as Response to Discrimination and Academic Failure in the Chinese Educational System.” Penn Education and Inequality Working Papers, #1.