Eye AirPuff device used in MRI
The puff device is 3D printed and the ON/OFF (piston) was controlled by electronic valve.
The pressure output can be adjusted by the software
Zebrafish behavior test with controllable smart film and wire mesh
-28 induvial control for the smart films
-14 induvial control for the wire mesh
-Controlled by serial command (ex. Python)
Olfactometer v2.0
This project was completed for Gottfried’s lab at the University of Pennsylvania to aid in the research for Olfactory Neuroscience. Here is the website to the lab:
The Olfactometer delivers up to 12 different scents using pneumatics and air pressure. The electrical control system is connected via USB to a Matlab program that will activate the solenoids and deliver the desired pressure for a selected scent.
The Olfactometer control system consists mainly of:
12 NReseach solenoids. 225T09
2 Alicat Scientific valves MC20SLPDM-D/5M
1 Measurement Computing Device USB1208FSB
Two channel Vape Controller for Mice – Mariella De Biasi LAB
This system is a drug administration device that control two vaporizers commercially available for human use , better knows as E-cigarattes. The system is capable to be used in passive administration mode and in three active administration modes. Up to eight mice can be exposed to treatment with the passive administration. The three active modes are Fixed Ratio, Geometric Ratio and Aritmetic Ratio. For the active modes two wheels and two cue lights are used. Just one mouse for session can be used for any of the active modes. In the active mode the mouse need to turn the wheel to have a vape reward. Each wheel have a vaporizer; one vaporizer contains a solution of nicotine and the other contains a non-drug solution also know as “vehicle”.
- Induction Heater Machine for the Makvandi LAB
The induction heater was made with the purpose of be use in the dry Astatine Distillation process. Previously they was using an electrical heating furnace that has the same technology as a conventional oven. The problem of an electrical heating furnace is that take a lot of time to rich the goal temperature and that was wasting a 30% of the Astatine component. The benefits to change the process to a induction heater process are:
- A more efficient process melting the Al
- Improvement in the time to distile the Astatine.
- Avoid wasting Astatine in the process due to a much faster melting for the Al. A quarter chape aluminum coin takes 50 seconds to be melted and a 80 seconds to be glowing RED.
This induction heater is capable of 1.8KW. Also you can control the ON time from 1 sec to 90 seconds. The system has safety features such as over voltage, under voltage, max current of 35A or max output power of 1820 Watts.
- OsciFlex Head-Unit – for OsciFlex
Controller system for timing and valve opening and pressure monitoring to prevent DVT.
- OneLight FW Control
A system was placed for Dr. Brainard’s lab to run the backpanel firmware code for troubleshooting/feature addition purposes. The system to troubleshoot the OneLight uses a Microchip MPLAB ICD 3, the MPLAB IDE 8.92 and runs the FW code into the PIC16F877 device in the backpanel module. The firmware code now runs on a separate PC and it controls how the OneLight delivers the stimulus by controlling the DMD (Digital Mirror Device).
- LED fast-blink project

Using Arduino, and SuperBright LEDs, this is the LED fast-blink project to stimulate mice for epilepsy research for Dr. Joshua Dunaief, University of Pennsylvania.
- Monkey Reward Juice System – Design upgrade for Dr. Yale Cohen
This monkey reward system had two diodes (one is the EMF diode for the valve coil) in the wrong position and a TI Driver DRV102T with a flag pin to trigger the overcurrent/undercurrent condition. Research and reverse engineer the design to determine root-cause and implemented a quick circuit hack to test it.