Petra Todd
Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor of Economics
Petra Todd is also a Research Associate of Penn’s Population Studies Center, and serves as an associate editor for the American Economic Review and the Journal of Human Capital.
Todd’s main fields of research are social program evaluation, labor economics, and microeconometrics. She has published papers on the determinants of cognitive achievement, testing for discrimination in motor vehicle searches, sources of racial wage disparities, and methods for evaluating and optimally designing conditional cash transfer programs.
She is currently working on implementing a large-scale randomized school incentive program in Mexican high schools, on analyzing the effects of school vouchers in Chile, and on assessing the effects of government regulation on the operation of the privatized pension market in Chile.
About the Donor
Edmund J. Kahn, W’25 and Louise W. Kahn
The Kahn chairs were established through a bequest by Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn.