__ Yejung Lee __



Email: ylee682@sas.upenn.edu


Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Wisconsin (Advisor : Prof. Mark D. Ediger)
M.Sc. Chemistry, Ewha Womans University (Advisor : Prof. Myung Hwa Kim)
B.Sc. Chemistry, Ewha Womans University
Yejung started her scientific research at Ewha Womans University, Korea, supervised by Prof. Myung Hwa Kim, studying the nanofabrication of 1-dimensional metal oxide crystals for battery and electrocatalyst and the synthesis of UV-curable fluorinated oligomers. And then, Yejung received her Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin under the guidance of Prof. Mark D. Ediger in 2024. During 5 years in Madison, she investigated the stability (e.g., thermal stability & density and transformation process) and structure (e.g., molecular orientation, component segregation) of two-component vapor deposited glasses of organic semiconductors. At University of Pennsylvania, her postdoctoral research will focus on the characterization of polymer-MXene composite mainly using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The fundamental properties (e.g., optical conductivity or stability) of MXene composite will be studied.