Weiduo Wang


Weiduo Wang

 3rd Year Ph.D. Student

08/2021-Current University of Pennsylvania
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

08/2020-05/2021 Assistant Researcher in ICCAS

08/2019-01/2020 University of California, Berkeley
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Exchange Student


09/2016-06/2020 Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

Research interests:
Simulation of glass molecules and mechanical investigation.

My cat: 

My name is Heyhey, which is due to my dark back cape. And you could also suppose that I love to play piano based on my costume (And I prefer to let weiduo play, just like some people who prefer to sit at the Shotgun to view more scenes even if they know how to drive). On weekends(A.K.A, everyday), I enjoy to lay down on human sofa and get prepared for midnight carnival! 


Besides, welcome to my music world at:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVa4A2eypl3JlaWgKa-YGOw