Title Tracks

This is a platform for people to discuss and learn recent interesting developments in analysis. Everyone (from undergraduate students to professors) is welcome to join!

After reading an interesting paper, many people have the habit of writing a short note to summarize the paper. If we would spend another 15 min or so to turn the note into a short talk, then through explaining to others, we would not only have a much better understanding of the paper, but also help many others quickly understand key points of the paper. 


Contribute talks 

If there is a recent interesting paper that you would like to read or have read already (for example Carleson’s 1966 paper on Lusin’s conjecture) and would like to give a short talk on it, please register here, and then you will receive an email with instructions on how to upload videos. (You only need to register once. The link will work for all your future uploads.) The length of videos is flexible. We suggest 15-20 minutes short talks. 

Click here to see the list of scheduled talks and add your own talk(s) to the list. 


Watch talks

If you would like to watch the recorded talks, please go to the HAPPY YouTube channel.

Talks are listed in the order of uploaded dates.