James R. Mathieu, PhD

Year Graduated2001
Department AffiliationAnthropology
DissertationAssessing Political Complexity in Medieval England: An Analysis of Royal Buildings and Strategies
Current PositionConsulting Scholar, European Archaeology Section, Penn Museum
Biographical InformationBio:
James is currently a Consulting Scholar in the European Archaeology Section of the Penn Museum, having formerly served as the Chief of Staff to the Williams Director, the Head of Collections, Publications, and Digital Media, and the Editor of Expedition Magazine.

Ph.D., 2001, Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
M.A., 1995, Medieval Archaeology, University of York, York, England, United Kingdom
M.A., 1992, Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
B.A., 1992, Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Research Interests:
James is an anthropological and medieval archaeologist who specializes in the study of social complexity, spatial analysis, fortifications, and experimental archaeology. His research interests, publications, and field experience include work in England, Wales, Ireland, France, Italy, Ukraine, Syria, Tunisia, Guatemala, Belize, and the United States.
Select Publications2022    Mathieu, James R. ‘The Fortress of Aqkerman: The Results of Visual Examination’ in S. O. Biliaieva, Iu. V. Boltryk, and O. Ie. Fialko (eds) Akkermans’ka Fortetsia: Doslidzhennia 1999–2010 rokiv. Instytut Arkheolohii Natsional’noi Akademii nauk Ukrainy (Kyiv):133–165.

2015    Grey, Cam, James R. Mathieu, Antonia Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, Andrea Patacchini, and Mariaelena Ghisleni ‘Familiarity, Repetition, and Quotidian Movement in Roman Tuscany’ Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 28(2):195–219. https://journal.equinoxpub.com/JMA/article/view/955

2008    Mathieu, James R. ‘An Architectural Appraisal of the Fortress of Akkerman’ AKKERMAN FORTRESS PROJECT (AFP) http://akkermanfortress.utoronto.ca/architecture.html

2007    Borgstede, Greg, and James R. Mathieu ‘Defensibility and settlement patterns in the Guatemalan Maya highlands’ Latin American Antiquity 18(2):191–211. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/latin-american-antiquity/article/abs/defensibility-and-settlement-patterns-in-the-guatemalan-maya-highlands/388D4B7EADA30176B3EBA3A5F31C4E00

2004    Mathieu, James R., and Rachel E. Scott (eds) Exploring the Role of Analytical Scale in Archaeological Interpretation British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1261 (Oxford). https://www.barpublishing.com/exploring-the-role-of-analytical-scale-in-archaeological-interpretation.html

2004    Mathieu, James R., and Rachel E. Scott ‘Introduction’ in James R. Mathieu and Rachel E. Scott (eds) Exploring the Role of Analytical Scale in Archaeological Interpretation British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1261 (Oxford):1–9.

2003    Mathieu, James R. ‘Time travel, trebuchets, and atlatls: playing with the past through experimental archaeology’ Expedition 45(3):6–7. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/time-travel-trebuchets-and-atlatls-playing-with-the-past-through-experimental-archaeology/

2002    Mathieu, James R. (ed) Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviors, and Processes British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1035 (Oxford). https://www.barpublishing.com/experimental-archaeology-en.html

2002    Mathieu, James R. ‘Introduction’ in James R. Mathieu (ed) Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviors, and Processes British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1035 (Oxford):1–11.

2002    Mathieu, James R., and Daniel A. Meyer ‘Reconceptualizing experimental archaeology: assessing the process of experimentation’ in James R. Mathieu (ed) Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviors, and Processes British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1035 (Oxford):73–82.

2000    Mathieu, James R. ‘A tree falls in Philadelphia’ Expedition 42(2):3–4. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/a-tree-falls-in-philadelphia/

1999    Mathieu, James R. ‘New methods on old castles: generating new ways of seeing’ Medieval Archaeology 43:115–142. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00766097.1999.11735627

1997    Mathieu, James R., and Daniel A. Meyer ‘Comparing axe heads of stone, bronze and steel: studies in experimental archaeology’ Journal of Field Archaeology 24:333–351. https://www.jstor.org/stable/530689