


3rd International Conference on Sociology of Korea (I-CSK) Program


October 17 (Thursday, Kim Center for Korean Studies, #310, 3600 Market Street)

18:00 – 20:00: Conference Reception 

October 18 (Friday, PSC Commons, #403 McNeil)

8:20 – 8:45 Breakfast

8:45 – 9:10: Introductory Remarks

                    Jerry Jacobs (Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania)

9:10 – 10:50: Patriarchy, Career, Family, and Women (Chair: Hyunjoon Park)

                     In, Jung. “Socioeconomic Background and Childcare Support from Elderly Parents among Adult Daughters in South Korea: Cohort      


                     Woo, Hyeyoung and Juyeon Kim. “Having It All: Women’s Navigation for Work and Family in Korea”

                     Kwon, Jung Eun. “Continuous Traps of Patriarchy and Normativity: Young Women and Suicide in South Korea”

                     Kim, Minjeong. “Maintaining the “Extremely Gendered” Organization of Expatriate Management: Considering the Two-Person Career Model”

          10:50 – 11:05: Coffee Break

          11:05 – 12: 45: Policies, Welfare, Citizenship, and Development (Chair: ChangHwan Kim)

                     Park, Jeong-Mi. “Postcolonial Bio-power and the Making of Society: South Korea under the U.S. Military Occupation, 1945–1948”

                     Jeon, Su Yeone. “Divergent Paths Crossing? How South Korea and Argentina Navigate the Global Regulatory Landscape in the Knowledge     

                                                 Economy Era”

                     Lee, Jin Young, Chunrye Kim, Sou Hyun Jang. “Navigating Domestic Violence Support Services in South Korea during the COVID-19

                                                 Pandemic: Insights from Professionals Using the CFIR Framework”

                     Lee, Jiyeon. “Dealing with Unattainable Missions of Making “Neofamilial Citizenship”: Criteria of Deservingness for Marriage Migrants in

                                             South Korea in the Neoliberal Era”

          12:45 – 13:40: Lunch

          13:40 – 14:55: Education and Family (Chair: Hyeyoung Woo)

                     Kim, Daehee and Taehyun Kim. “The Effects of Son Preference on Children’s Education: Evidence from South Korea”

                     Ko, Wontae and Seongsoo Choi. “Family Background Advantage in Academic Achievement Quantile and Subject Heterogeneity across School


                     Jarvis, Jonathan, Ji-Won Lee, Jiwon Choi, and Sejung Yoon. “Success and Failure in Highly Competitive Educational Environments”

           14:55 – 15:10: Coffee Break

           15:10 – 16:25: Feminist and Labor Movements (Chair: Minjeong Kim)

                    Lee, Eunhye. “Affective Politics of Feminist Snap:  Exploring Young People’s Voices in the SchoolMeToo Movement”

                    Shin, Gyuho. “Tracing Feminist Identities on Korean Twitter: The Prevalence Change and Sequential Text Analysis of Feminist-related 

                                              Identity, 2015-2022”

                    Lee, Youngrong. “Organizing the Crises and Worker Subjectivities: Comparative Ethnography of the Gig Workers’ Unions in Seoul and


            16:30 – 17:30: Plenary Session (Chair: Sou Hyun Jang)

                     Professor Pyong Gap Min. “Transnational Cultural Flow from Home: The Korean Community in Greater New York”

            18:00: Conference Dinner

                         Welcoming Remarks by Emily Hannum (Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean for Social Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences,

                                                                                                     University of Pennsylvania)


October 19 (Saturday, Kim Center for Korean Studies, #310, 3600 Market Street)

 8:30 – 9:00: Breakfast

 9:00 – 10:40: Social Capital, Trust, and Social Solidarity (Chair: Jaein Lee)

                     Kim, ChangHwan and Harris Hyunsoo Kim. “Rising Interpersonal and Societal Trust in Korea: Analyzing Trends and an Outlier Group”

                     Kim, Harris Hyunsoo, ChangHwan Kim, and Mary Brinton. “Social Capital, Gender, and Fertility Intention among South Korean Young


                     Lim, Chaeyoon and Dong-kyun Im. “Do No Harm, Do No Good: Ethics of Harmlessness and Social Solidarity in South Korea”

                     Kwak, Joonghyun and Pil Ho Kim. “Meritocracy and Its Discontents: From Korean and International Perspectives”

 10:40 -11:00: Coffee Break

 11:00 – 12:40: Education and Gender (Chair: Jung In)

           Lee, Chaewon and Hyunjoon Park. “Educational Expansion and Reduction of Gender Segregation in Fields of Study in South Korea,


           Lim, Abby and Hyunjoon Park. “Does Raising a Daughter Affect Parents’ Attitudes toward Mathematics? The South Korean Context with a

                                                                    Significant Underrepresentation of Women in STEM”

           Park, Hanwool and Seongsoo Choi. “Doubly Excluded: Gendered Educational Differences in Civic Participation”

           Hwang, Sungsik and Eunsil Oh. “Education or Educational Returns? A Causal Decomposition of Gender Stratification in Contemporary


 12:40 – 13:40: Lunch

 13:40 – 15:20: Young Adults (Chair: Su Yeone Jeon)

                     Oh, Byeongdon. “Diverging Pathways in Early Adulthood: A Longitudinal Latent Class Analysis of Education, Employment, and Independence

                                                    Among Korean Men and Women in Their 20s”

                     Cho, Eun Sam, Jihyun Lee, and Ki-Soo Eun.”Multifaceted Factors Contributing to the Lowest-Low Fertility in South Korea”

                     Chung, Ha-Joon. “Is it All Puppies and Rainbows? : Household Pets in the Lowest-low Fertility Context”

                     Lawrence, Monocello. “Body Image and Becoming a Man in South Korea: Cultural Consonance as a Multiple Technology of Presence”

 15:20 – 15:40: Coffee Break

 15:40 – 17:00:  Demography and Health (Chair: So-Jung Lim)

                     Lee, Sangsoo and Hyunjoon Park. “I am Pro Divorce but Wouldn’t Marry a Divorced Person: Education and Attitudes toward Divorce in

                                                                                      South Korea”

                     Park, Jiae and Jaein Lee. “Korean Women’s Work-Family Trajectories and Mental Health Outcomes”

                     Choi, Seung-won Emily and Tse-Chuan Yang. “Urban/Rural Residence, Social Support, and Chronic Pain among Korean Older Adults ”

                     Lee, Dohoon. “How Does Population Concentration Matter for Demographic Behaviors in a Lowest-Low Fertility Context? Internal Migration,

                                               Marriage, and Childbearing in South Korea”

            18:30: Conference Dinner