NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Conference

The sixth annual meeting of the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society starts today. It is hosted by Plymouth State University, and is the annual meeting of the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society (NEEPS), a regional “sister organization” of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. This year’s meeting has a number of features that look interesting, including a Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society Workshop, a 5K (meeting, according to the program, at 5:45 in the morning), and a performance by Canadian rap artist Baba Brinkman. David Zehr is the conference host, and Benjamin Crosier is the program chair. As I write this, the forecast is for temperatures to dip below freezing only briefly on Friday and Saturday nights.

Information is here, and the program is available online.


27. April 2012 by kurzbanepblog
Categories: Blog | 2 comments

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