Announcement: Annual European Human Behavior and Evolution (EHBEA) conference
This year’s annual European Human Behavior and Evolution (EHBEA) conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from Sunday, March 24th to Wednesday, March 27th, 2013. The conference is being hosted at VU University Amsterdam, and it is being organized by Mark van Vugt, Thomas Pollet, Josh Tybur, and Fleur Thomese.
The conference includes five distinguished plenary speakers, including:
Bram Buunk (University of Groningen and Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences)
Celia Heyes (All Souls College, University of Oxford)
Simon Gächter (Department of Economics, University of Nottingham & Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences Visiting professor, VU University Amsterdam)
Kristen Hawkes (Department of Anthropology, University of Utah)
Joe Henrich (Department of Psychology and Department of Economics, University of British Columbia)
The 2013 EHBEA New Investigator award winner (to be determined) will also give a plenary.
Abstracts for poster and paper presentations are due by December 31st,2012, and they can be submitted through the conference web site.