Request for Data on Changes Across the Menstrual Cycle
I’m passing along this request for data from Martie Haselton and colleagues. – RK
Meta-analysis of fertility cues: Requesting unpublished papers, presentations, and data on detectable changes in women across the menstrual cycle
Kelly Gildersleeve, Melissa Fales, and I aim to conduct a systematic, quantitative review of the literature on “fertility cues” (detectable changes in women across the ovulatory cycle) to address the question of whether there are detectable changes in women around the time of ovulation as compared with less fertile days of the cycle We would greatly appreciate your help in locating unpublished data to include in our meta-analysis. Please email us at with any unpublished papers, presentations, or data that might meet the inclusion criteria listed below. We will use your data only for the purposes of this meta-analysis and are happy to discuss precisely how we would use your data prior to you sharing it with us.
Inclusion criteria:
(1) Study must have collected information that was used or could be used to estimate female participants’ position in the menstrual cycle (e.g., date of last menstrual onset).
(2) Study must have included only regularly-cycling women (here defined as women who were not using any form of hormonal contraception and were not pregnant, breastfeeding, or aware of cycle abnormalities at the time of their participation) or collected data that make it possible to examine regularly-cycling women separately from other women.
(3) Study must have collected 3rd-party ratings, direct measurements, or self-reports of some physical trait or behavior in women that is potentially detectable by others. For example, previous studies have examined associations between women’s menstrual cycle position and body scent attractiveness, vocal attractiveness, vocal pitch, facial attractiveness, gait, clothing revealingness, body symmetry, etc.
We prefer to be over-inclusive at this early stage of our literature search, so please do let us know of any papers, posters, or data that might meet the above criteria (including papers in press, dissertation or masters thesis work, student projects, conference presentations, etc.).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at Please note that this is a shared email account between the authors of this meta-analysis (Kelly Gildersleeve, Martie Haselton, and Melissa Fales).
Thanks so much for your assistance with this project!
Martie Haselton, Ph.D.
Departments of Psychology and Communications Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
Kelly Gildersleeve, C.Phil.
Graduate Student
Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles
Melissa Fales, M.A.
Graduate Student
Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles
Please send data to