Useful reading
- AIP TEAM-UP report
- AAS task force report
- APS Bridge Program induction manual
- Penn ICARE training
- Penn provost resources for PhD students
Improving a sense of belonging and identity in Physics & Astronomy for everyone
- Physicists from Many Cultures
- Black in Physics
- Black Lives in Astronomy and Astronomy of Many Cultures
- Women in Physics
- Women in Astronomy
Groups on Campus
- Penn Society of Physics Students (undergraduate)
- Women in Physics (undergraduate)
- Diversity & Inclusion in Physics @Penn (DIP)
- Penn Graduate Women in Science & Engineering (PennGradWiSE)
- Penn Forum for Women Faculty
- Cultural centers include the Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC), Makuu: the Black Cultural Center, the Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina, the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH), the Penn Women’s Center, and the LGBT Center.
- Grad center at Penn has information on graduate student resources at Penn.
- Penn Clubs lists many many groups at Penn that may be of interest!
National Groups
- SACNAS has an active chapter at Penn with lots of events, and is the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. Inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of underrepresented trainees in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. Annual conference with talks, posters, networking opportunities.
- NSBP is the National Society for Black Physicists. Annual conference with talks, posters, networking opportunities.
Code of Conduct
- University of Pennsylvania Principles of Responsible Conduct. The University of Pennsylvania seeks to create and sustain learning, working and living environments that are free of sexual misconduct. The University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF) prohibits sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, inappropriate consensual romantic and sexual relations, and retaliation against faculty, students, or staff who report having experienced, observed, or received complaints that allege violations of this Policy. The Office of the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer (AVP) receives reports and manages responses to alleged violations of the Policy. An online bias reporting form is available.
- American Physical Society Code of Conduct for Meetings
- American Astronomical Society Ethics
- American Astronomical Society anti-harassment meeting policy
Campus Resources
- The Penn Ombuds office is confidential and welcomes any member of the Penn community who is experiencing difficulty or conflict at work, within their studies, or throughout their life at the University more broadly. There are so many options at Penn that a confidential, neutral, independent, informed but informal evaluation of the options available is a key feature of this office. Many people don’t find out about the Ombuds until a problem has escalated into a crisis. The Ombuds encourages people to contact them at the earliest stages of a problem. The Ombuds offers an accessible and safe place to resolve differences, explore matters of concern, improve communication, and generate and evaluate options.
- There are several other confidential resources that may be contacted for counseling, support and advice. These include: for students – Counseling and Psychological services (CAPS), Student Health Services (SHS), Penn Violence Prevention (PVP); for students, staff, faculty – Special Services Department in the Division of Public Safety, the Office of the University Chaplain, the African-American Resource Center, the Penn Women’s Center, and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center. Links to these can be found at the websites of the Office of the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer (AVP) and the Penn Ombuds office.
Penn action plans