PennSONG analyzes social norms around corruption

I’m very proud of PennSONG, and in particular Raj Patel, for our contribution to Chatham House’s recent investigation into corruption in Nigeria. I highly encourage you to go read the executive summary & recommendations – or better yet, just read the whole thing! Want to read more? As always, feel welcome to check out our publicly available research in…

Congratulations 2017 PPE Grads!

Thanks to everyone for another amazing year! Our class of 2017 was our largest cohort yet, with 115 graduates. The number of students earning honors doubled. We had 10 inductees to Phi Beta Kappa. But more important than the accolades, thank you for all the genuine and unique personal dedication and inspiration. It’s been an both an honor and a pleasure working with all of you!

Congratulations to all PPE Graduates

I want to thank everyone for an exciting and successful first year in the program! From your help on new initiatives and outreach to interesting chats over coffee, it’s been wonderful to be a part of your experience. And for everyone still around, next year sets up to be exciting as well with a new website, new study abroad opportunities,…

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