So proud to join my colleagues from Penn in presenting on “Penn’s First Two Years with Courseleaf PATH”!
Thank you for a great semester!
A HUGE thank you to the entire PHIL 0430 class (and not just for humoring me with the class photo)!
Congratulations c/o 2023!!!
One of our most resilient classes ever!
Come have dinner with me!
Gutmann College House has invited me to: Dinner with a Scholar What: Come join our House Director, Kathryn, and a guest faculty member for an informative and informal dining experience at Quaker Kitchen! This week features Dr. Doug Paletta! When: Monday March 27th, 2023 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Rsvp here:
Congratulations Class of 2022!!
It was our first graduation back in person in a while and my first time Marshalling! Bravo 2022 grads!
Shout out to Tiffany Tieu for presenting her research during family weekend!
Tiffany’s been engaged in some really interesting social science research around messaging and mask wearing. It was great to have a conversation with her about it during family weekend!
Excited to start PHIL 043: Markets and Morality!
What Money Can’t Buy meets Markets without Limits — should make for some great discussion!
So PROUD of this year’s peer advisors!
With massive coordination and a lot of personal outreach, our peer advisors did an AMAZING job welcoming everyone back to campus and bringing out newest students to the Welcome to the College event! Special shout out to Omar, Tiffany, Bakir and Bryan for their work as peer managers making everything happen. BRAVO!