Welcome to new Professor Dylan Rankin!

The Penn ATLAS group is excited to welcome new Professor Dylan Rankin!  Dylan joins us from MIT and will start officially in January 2023, though he has already moved to Philadelphia and can usually be found on the first floor of DRL.  Two highlights among many research interests include innovative application of machine learning to a search for dark mediators decaying to a collimated pair of tau leptons (note that tau leptons are always tough at hadron colliders!), and leadership in HLS4ML, which allows to develop machine learning tools and transfer them to FPGAs (this can improve our ability to pick out the most interesting few thousand events from the forty million collisions happening each second, aka the trigger). Dylan is supervising the research of third-year graduate student Gwen Gardner on boosted Higgs to WW in the lvqq final state.

See Dylan Rankin’s webpage for more information https://www.physics.upenn.edu/people/dylan-rankin here


Welcome to new graduate students

Welcome to new graduate students Lauren Osojnak, Gwen Gardner, Bobby McGovern, Andie Wall, and Thomas Gosart. We look forward to working with you on the operation of the ATLAS TRT in Run 3 (2021-24), testing of electronics for the ATLAS Upgrade Inner Tracker strips and the Hardware Track Trigger for the High Luminosity LHC (2027-2035), and physics analysis on Run 2 data and the data we’ll take in Run 3 and beyond!