Lab Equipment
Lab Equipment
The BMC double Fume Hood provides ample space and protection for wet lab preparation of samples.
The Fisher Scientific Isotemp 625G Laboratory Oven is a gravity-flow convection oven with electronic control. The oven has a chamber volume of 2.5 cubic feet and dimensions of 18x18x13, a temperature range of 40° to 220°C, 120V, 1300W.
A Sorvall Legend Micro 21 centrifuge allows for the preparation of 24 microcentrifuge tubes in a single row, from 1.5 to 2.0 mL tubes to mini-preps and spin columns.
The Retsch PM 200 planetary ball mill is a benchtop ball mill with 2 grinding stations that allows for both wet and dry sample grinding of material <4mm resulting in final fineness <1µm.
Mettler-Toledo GmbH XSR204 fine balance and anti-vibration table (Adam Equipment) provides prevision weight measurement of samples up to 220g at a readability of 0.1mg.