Critical Race Studies in/of Japan

The Critical Race Studies in/of Japan series by Penn Forum Japan for 2020-2021 was created to foster dialogue between Japanese studies and critical race studies. Talks held as part of the lecture series are as follows:


Kimberly Hassel, “Not Just a Trend: Digital Activism, Black Lives Matter, and Black Japanese Storytelling as Praxis”

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dr. William H. Bridges IV, “Epistemology of the Violets: Heuristics toward a Sensorium of Afro-Japanese Co-creativity”

April 6, 2021

Jessica LeGare, “The Captured Imagination: Unsettling Boundaries of Confinement within Memoirs of Wartime Detention”

November 5, 2020 

Dr. Reginald Jackson, “Showing Up to Withhold: Economies of Enslavement and Spectacular Restraint in Medieval Japanese Performance.” 

October 29, 2020



Article written by pcarland

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