Welcome to the Penn Forum on Japan!
Taking inspiration from a central pillar of Penn President Amy Gutmann’s landmark Penn Compact, PFJ follows the Compact’s emphasis on integrated knowledge to champion a new approach to Japanese studies. We hope to promote a new vision of Japan in three ways. First, we view Japanese history, culture and society not through the lens of a distinctive national culture but in ways that demonstrate how Japan, past and present, has echoed, shaped and been shaped by global developments. Second, we challenge traditional disciplinary boundaries by integrating Japanese studies across Penn’s numerous schools and departments and between the humanities, social sciences and professional concerns. Finally, we seek to integrate new technologies in the Japanese studies classroom. In collaboration with the Office of the Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, the School of Arts and Sciences and the Center for East Asian Studies, the Penn Forum on Japan not only guarantees a significant place for Japan among Penn’s global initiatives. It hopes to set a new standard for on-campus activities and community outreach and help refashion Japanese studies for the twenty-first century.