
Critical Race Studies in/of Japan

The Critical Race Studies in/of Japan series by Penn Forum Japan for 2020-2021 was created to foster dialogue between Japanese studies and critical race studies. Talks held as part of the lecture series are as follows:   Kimberly Hassel, “Not Just a Trend: Digital Activism, Black Lives Matter, and Black Japanese Storytelling as Praxis” Thursday, […]

Tomoko Takami, Senior Lecturer in Japanese, receives $40,000 Grant from Eurasia Foundation

Tomoko Takami has received a grant, $40.000, from the Eurasia Foundation (from Asia), formerly known as One Asia Foundation.  This grant will fund two projects. The first is course development for JPAN 311 (fourth-year Japanese), for which Takami Sensei will invite several prominent speakers in the fall of 2020.  The second is the organization of a symposium on “Language […]

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