
The graduate student pizza seminar is a place for UPenn math graduate students to come together, socialize, and share a little bit of math. At noon on every Friday of the semester, we meet for pizza, drinks, and a talk given by a graduate student on a math topic of their choice. Faculty and industry speakers are also sometimes invited, and we occasionally meet for other social activities like trivia. If you are interested in giving a talk or attending the regular meetings, you are welcome to contact the current organizers and join our mailing list.


Register for a Talk

Registration for this semester’s pizza seminar is now closed. Thanks to everyone who signed up!

Current Organizers

Yam Felsenstein (email: yamfel@sas.upenn.edu) in Math

Colton Griffin (email: cmgrif@sas.upenn.edu) in Math


Past Organizers

2023-2024: Frenly Espino and Nikita Borisov

2022-2023: Qishuo Yin, Oualid Merzouga, and Noah Braeger

2021-2022: Maxine Calle and Krishan Canzius

2020-2021: Julian Gould and Hunter Stufflebeam

2019-2020: Thomas Brazelton and Marielle Ong

2018-2019: Alon Benhaim and Jongwon Kim 

2017-2018: Adam Clearwater and George Wang

2016-2017: Sam Carp and Dominick Villano


Website created by Alon Benhaim