Languages for Specific Purposes: Reframing the Aims of Language Instruction
April 23, 2022
The University of Chicago Language Center together with
The Council on Language Instruction at
Northwestern University |
The Sandi Port Errant Language and Culture Learning Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago | The Department of Modern Languages at DePaul University |
Languages for Specific Purposes courses and curricula have the potential to expand our offerings and objectives, resulting in courses that are attractive to our students and represent the goals of the 21st century learner. Yet LSP as a field remains largely under-researched and lacking a solid, agreed-upon basis in pedagogy and assessment. At CLS 2022 we hope to share the work being done in and around LSPs to both reflect upon and grow this essential, yet in many ways nascent field.
Topics may include:
- LSP and the 21st century learner
- LSP beyond Business and Medicine
- Articulating LSP courses with existing language sequences
- Materials for LSP instruction
- LSP and assessment
- LSP and experiential learning through internships
- Outreach and recruitment
- LCTLs in the context of large language departments
- The burden – or freedom – of the “one-person show”
All presentations are 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for Q&A. All presenters must present in-person. Language instructors at all levels are invited to submit proposals; all languages are welcome, but the symposium language is English. For information on past symposia, click here. Questions about your proposal?
Symposium Homepage Online Call for Proposals
Proposal submission deadline: Wednesday, February 1, 2022
This year’s Chicago Language Symposium – and its symposium theme – is being held in cooperation with the bi-annual meeting of the Sixth International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) with support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Centers of International Business Education and Research (CIBER) on April 21-22. Find more about the ISLSP-CIBER event here.
NOTE: Since Northwestern University established Chicago Language Symposium in 1999 it has always been a modest-sized meeting that allowed for a lively and sustained conversation amongst its participants over the course of the Symposium’s sessions. In order to preserve that highly valued aspect of the meeting, in 2022 the Chicago Language Symposium:
- has been conceived as a primarily in-person event
- will allow for participants to attend remotely, however,
- opportunities for remote-participant interaction during sessions will be limited (due to the venue)
- all presenters must attend in-person
We thank you in advance for your understanding and consideration.
6th International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) and Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)
The Future of LSP: Research, Assessment, Curricula
Hosted by: The University of Chicago Language Center
April 21-22, 2022
This symposium is a welcome opportunity for the LSP community to gather and share scholarship and pedagogy related to LSP theory, methodology, and practice. The 2022 symposium looks toward LSP’s future in all levels of the curriculum and the academy, with an eye toward the growing body of evidence-centered empirical research that will get us there.
Proposals are sought for 20-minute individual papers related to the topics below. Please write your proposal in English and limit it to 300 words. Include a 50-word abstract. We welcome proposals from multiple presenters, but each presentation is limited to 20 minutes. The symposium language is English.
Proficiency guidelines in LSP assessment and curricula
- How do proficiency guidelines and or proficiency / competency targets play a role in LSP assessments and curricula?
- How can ACTFL standards be adapted to the LSP context?
- How can we best measure student progress in LSP courses and programs?
Reverse design of LSP courses for real-world applications
- How can LSP courses be reverse designed?
- What valid assessments are available in LSP – or do we need to design our own?
- How can domain analysis research inform the design of and assessment in LSP courses?
Online LSP
- How can LSP courses be taught effectively online?
- What are exemplary models for virtual exchanges and online internships / Community Servie Learning (CSL)?
Informing LSP curricula through research
- What is the research basis of LSP?
- How can research inform LSP pedagogy?
- How do we build a body of research as in other disciplines?
LSP, cultural paradigms of language education, and issues of social justice
- Where does LSP fit into the cultural paradigm on your campus?
- How are advocacy and outreach part of language programs, especially for LSP / CSL courses?
- How can LSP courses promote social justice?
Professional development and teacher training in LSP
- How do already-trained scholars become active researchers and practitioners in the field of LSP?
- How should graduate students be trained in the theory and practice of LSP?
- Online language teaching readiness in LSP
Submit a Proposal
Proposal submission deadline: November 1, 2021
5th International Symposium of Language for Specific Purpose (ISLSP)/CIBER Language Conference – Call for Proposals
Taking Stock and Moving Forward: LSP Theory, Method, Content, Curriculum, Collaboration
- Date: March 5-7, 2020
- Location: University of North Carolina, NC
- Proposal Deadline: August 1, 2019
- For more information: Click here.
Spring 2019 PLGGPC Event
- Title: Key Legal Concerns Facing Entrepreneurs in the International Arena
- Speaker: Carolyn Hochstadter, Esquire, Managing Partner, E. Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker LLC/ Lecturer, The Wharton School
- Date and Time: Tuesday, April 9, 9-10 AM
- Place: Room 303 (3rd floor) in Lauder Building (37th street between Spruce and Locust; corner entrance facing Vance Hall)
- Short Description: This discussion will examine the following critical legal issues confronting entrepreneurs when setting up a business, including some international aspects:
- In which U.S. or international state to register your business
- What form of business to choose & at what stage
- Which type of financing will work best & in which phase
- Securing ownership of branding & other intellectual property
- Hiring talent: employee or independent contractor & labor laws
NEALLT 2019 @University of Pennsylvania
- Theme: “Transformative Practices: Teaching and Learning Language and Culture with Technology”
- Date: Friday, April 5, 2019 – Sunday, April 7, 2019
- For more information: Click here.
The 6th Annual Language Educator Symposium: Developing Intercultural Competence in Language Education
- Date: Saturday, December 8, 2018
- Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Location: Kislak Center, Van Pelt Library
- For more information: Click here.
2018 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Language Expo
- Date: November 15-18, 2018
- Location: New Orleans, Lousiana
- For more information: Click here
Spring 2018 PLGGPC Meeting
- Tuesday, April 3, 2018
- Place: Williams Hall, Room 440
- Guest Speaker: Mr. Jaewook Cho – Simulation Activities in Adv. Business Korean
IV International Symposium of Language for Specific Purpose (ISLSP)/CIBER Business Language Conference
LSP Vectors: Strengthening Interdisciplinary Connections
- Date: February 22-24, 2018
- Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Proposal Deadline: June 15, 2017
- For more information: Click here.
2017 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Language Expo
- Date: November 17-19, 2017
- Location: Music City Center, Nashville, TN
- For more information: Click here
- Penn at ACTFL: TBA
Fall 2017 PLGGPC Meeting
- Thursday, October 19, 2017.
- Place: Williams Hall, Room 440
- Guest Speaker: Dr. Ed Dixon
Spring 2017 PLGGPC EVENT
Title: Workshop on Finance and Investment: the Current Status and Practical Advice
Time: Wednesday, March 29th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Place: Steinberg Dietrich building Room 1201
Light dinner will be provided.
Knowledge of investment has never been as important as it is now. This workshop aims to provide a general overview of finance focusing on investment and core learning activities with hands-on materials on the subject. The workshop will begin with practical reasons for gaining basic investment knowledge. Then, two types of stock analysis will be introduced: fundamental analysis (reading balance sheets, risk vs. return, long investment horizon) and technical analysis (purely based on stock prices, short investment horizon). The analysis on mutual funds (passive vs. active) will be also discussed. At the end, the instructor discusses how participants can utilize mock investment in their business courses.
Daniel Kim’s BIO:
Daniel Kim is currently a Finance PhD candidate at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He holds two B.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. He received Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT by doing a dissertation work at MIT Media Lab. Then, he has worked at Oracle for 6 years, leading a team of ten engineers before returning back to study at the Wharton. His research interests include asset pricing (stocks, digital currencies such as bitcoin), intermediary asset pricing, and financial econometrics (measurement errors).
The 6th Annual Language Educator Symposium: Developing Intercultural Competence in Language Education
- Date: Saturday, December 10, 2016
- Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Location: Kislak Center, Van Pelt Library
- For more information: Click here.
Authors@Wharton presents Angela Duckworth
- Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016
- Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Location: Ambani Auditorium (G06), Huntsman Hall
- For more information: Click here
2016 Annual Convention and World Language Expo
- Date: November 18-20, 2016
- Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, MA
- Online Convention Program: Click here
- Penn at ACTFL: Click here
Fall 2016 PLGGPC Meeting
- Wednesday, November 9, 2016
- Place: Williams Hall, Room 440
- Guest Speakers: Liz Sutton (Wharton Undergraduate Advisor), Katie Ryan (ELP)
- Breakfast will be served!
Language Education for the Global Citizenship Conference
- April 14, 2016
- April 22-23 at Princeton University
Internationalization has become a priority for higher education institutions. There is a general recognition that higher education should aim at developing the skills and understanding necessary to succeed in the globalized world of the 21st century, characterized by increased mobility, interconnection, diversity, multilingualism and multiculturalism. In this new framework, language education is called upon to play an important role in the development of competencies for global citizenship.
This conference will provide a platform for scholars and educators to discuss the challenges posed to foreign languages education in a time of global information technologies, migrations and markets. The conference will seek to highlight the importance of research and innovative thinking in a field in constant dialogue with many disciplines analyzing social, cultural and linguistic practices. By transcending academic boundaries and connecting scholars around the theme of language education, we hope to outline the importance of departing from the traditional view of language acquisition as instrumental knowledge and provide ideas and roadmaps for enriched curricula fostering critical awareness, intellectual inquiry and translingual and transcultural competence.
This event will also serve to strengthen the professional development of Princeton graduate students involved in research and teaching foreign languages and cultures.
2:45 Opening Remarks
Alberto Bruzos, Shinji Sato and Christine Sagnier
3:00-4:30 Keynote Speech
Mastin Prinsloo – Moving words: Language, literacy and diversity
4:30-5:00 Coffee break
5:00-6:30 Session – Critical Approaches to Language Education
Ryuko Kubota – Critical content-based instruction: A critical reflection
Jennifer Leeman – Beyond the ‘legitimacy’ of all varieties: Critical approaches to teaching linguistic variation
Mastin Prinsloo, moderator
10:00 Breakfast
10:30: Keynote Speech
Richard Kern – Using technology for communicative competence and beyond: Toward a relational pedagogy
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch break
1:30-3:00: Session – Innovation in Teaching Language and Culture: Integrative approaches
Nicole Mills – Framing foreign language curricula to critically engage students in valuable and relevant content
Sébastien Dubreil – Teaching language and culture in/from the linguistic landscape: Opportunities and challenges
Richard Kern, moderator
3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-5:00: Poster session
Princeton language faculty present their work
5:00-6:00: Round table: Closing remarks
3rd International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes/CIBER Business Language Conference
- January 28, 2016
- LSP Studies: Developing skills to serve domestic and international communities
- MARCH 17-19, 2016
- Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix campus
The 2016 symposium on Language for Specific Purposes will be hosted by the College of Letters and Sciences at Arizona State University’s Downtown Phoenix campus and co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, through its 17 Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs).
The biennial event brings together educators, scholars, publishers, language policy makers, and leaders worldwide to present individual papers, panels, round table discussions, interactive workshops, posters, and technological tools showcases.
5th Annual Language Educators Symposium
- November 11, 2015
- Going Global with Business Languages: Secrets of Success
- Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015 – 8:30am – 5:30pm
- Location: Jon. M. Huntsman Hall, 8th Floor
Fall 2015 PLGGPC meeting
- October 30, 2015
- Date: November 4, 2015 (Thursday)
- Time: 9:30-10:20 AM
- Place: WIlliams 440
The 7th Annual Tricontinental Conference on Global Advances in Business Communication (GABC), Call for Papers
- November 13, 2014
- The 7th Annual Tricontinental Conference on Global Advances in Business Communication (GABC) will return to Eastern Michigan University from May 27-30, 2015.
- This year the GABC Conference will be held jointly with the Association for Business Communication’s Midwestern Regional Conference.
- The GABC Conference brings together academics and practitioners to consider ongoing scholarly activities and business practices which shape and are shaped by the intersection of cultural factors and global business. The conference and its affiliate journal are co-sponsored by the University of Antwerp, the Technological University of Malaysia and Eastern Michigan University.
The Conference will have five tracks:
- Cross‐cultural differences and influences in conducting business
- Global integrated marketing communication (IMC) and public relations
- International business ethics
- Languages for business, governmental and managerial communication
- E‐Semantics ( international issues affecting, search terms, string searches, social media expression, web design, and electronic advertising keywords)
A separate track is available for those wishing to submit a paper through the ABC Midwestern Region for topics outside the GABC conference tracks.
The GABC Conference is double-blind reviewed.
- Abstracts: Friday, January 30, 2015
- Notification: Friday, February 27, 2015
- Best Paper Consideration: Friday, April 17, 2015 (Full Papers due)
7th Annual International Business, Health & Engineering Conference
- October 10, 2014
- Date: December 27-28, 2014
- Venue: The Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Conference themes: Promoting Economic Development by Applying International Business, Health & Engineering Strategies
- For more information:
2014 Annual Convention and World Language Expo
October 10, 2014
November 21-23, 2014
San Antonio, Texas (Pre-convention workshops, November 20)
Theme: Reaching Global Competence
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention and World Languages Expo features an amazing array of professional learning and collaborative networking opportunities. Join your colleagues from around the world for this incredible learning experience. You will have the option to choose from more than 600 educational sessions in a variety of formats covering a wide spectrum of the language profession. Visit with more than 250 exhibiting companies showcasing the latest products and services for you and your students.
The ACTFL Convention is an international event bringing together more than 6,000 language educators from all languages, levels and assignments. Be a part of our global community.
– See more at: