Quechua Prof. Clodoaldo Soto-Ruiz will receive a tribute for his outstanding career


During the Quechua Student Alliance Meeting we will pay tribute to
Prof. Clodoaldo Soto-Ruiz
(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
for his notable contribution to the study and teaching of Quechua

Prof. Soto-Ruiz (Huanta-Ayacucho, Perú) is a renowned Quechua scholar who has taught this Native-American language for more than 25 years at the University fo Illinois. He published dictionaries and a grammar book on Ayacucho Quechua, articles, and his pedagogical grammar Quechua “Manual de Enseñanza” is widely used by many students around the world.

November 14th, 2015

Greenfield Intercultural Center
at the University of Pennsylvania

Learn more about the activities during the Quechua Student and Faculty Alliance Meeting at UPenn, here: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/quechua/about-quechua-student-alliance/