Lluqhanchik, new cultural bulletin by Quechua Penn



Allillanchu! Hello!

Welcome to our Quechua and Andean Culture Bulletin. People say that you have to crawl before you run. “Lluqhanchik” in Quechua means “we crawl”. We are starting this project to share the ideas, thoughts and initiatives going on at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and beyond. We invite all of you to participate, sharing your experiences learning and teaching Quechua, living and studying in the Andes and promoting Andean culture. Ñanay turaykuna, panay wawqiykuna, ñuqanchik kuska kay bulletinnisqa ruwasunchik!

For this February edition: Carnival season! Love is in the air! You’ll find a carnaval story from Ayacucho, Quechua ‘pick up’ lines from Cuzco and a Philly take on Michael Jackson in Quechua. Enjoy!


HERE: Download the February issue of Lluqhanchik (PDF)