Second edition of the Quechua Student Alliance Meeting will be in November at UPenn

For the 2017 edition of the Quechua Student Alliance gathering please click here


Quechua Student Alliance Meeting 2016

November 5th, 2016 (Philadelphia)


This event aims to promote an exchange of ideas between college students and professors who share an interest and passion for Quechua language and Andean culture. We are working towards creating a space for students to become dynamic leaders in the academic context where there is an increasing interest in Indigenous languages and cultures of the Americas.

We want to foster the relations needed to build a strong network and community of Quechua students at the university level. The Quechua Student Alliance Meeting will have the format of a one-day gathering with cultural activities, lectures, games, debates and dialogue.

Quechua is the most spoken Indigenous language in the Americas with 6-8 million speakers, mostly in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, and some regions of Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. We believe that languages are not just communication tools but knowledge keepers. Therefore, through Quechua we celebrate the cultures and knowledges of the Andes.

In 2015 we celebrated the first edition, which was the first of its type in the United States. About 40 people from Massachussets, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington DC, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Ohio participated. Remezcla, a latinX news website, posted a story about last year’s gathering.

We are very excited to organize the second edition of this gathering in Philadelphia, at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).

The Quechua program at Penn is promoting this meeting in collaboration with the UMass – Amherst, Spanish and Portuguese Program.

Join us! Please register by October 23rd, 2016.

More info (F.A.Q. , registration), please click here