Andean Music Educators to be honored at UPenn


Edda Bonilla and José Luis Hurtado, founders of the Miami-based Kuyayky Foundation, will be recognized for their life trajectory on promoting Andean Heritage in Perú and the United States. This event will take place during the academic conference “Thinking Andean Studies” at the University of Pennsylvania.

Natives of Jauja, Junín (Central Peruvian Andes), Bonilla and Hurtado have educated generations of musicians, dancers and scholars in different ways: working on music revitalization projects in the Andes, partnering with organizations to support migrant communities in South Florida, starting children’s orchestras in Miami and Jauja, raising awareness on the relevance of Andean heritage in today’s world.

Along with some of the current Kuyayky members, they will be offering a music and dance presentation during Thinking Andean Studies (February, 10-11, 2017) at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

More info about the conference, here.


*Kuyayky is a Quechua word that means: “I love you”.