3rd. Thinking Andean Studies, an Interdisciplinary Conference
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (Chicago Area)
April 12-13, 2019
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Friday, February 10th
10:30am Registration and Opening Remarks
ROOM 3C-4 (David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building, 3rd Floor)
Panel Session 1
Epistemologies of Decolonization
11am to 12:15pm | ROOM 3C-4 (David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building, 3rd Floor)
Indigenous Research in the Andes: Decolonial Potentials and Academic Justice
Gabe Sanchez (SUNY Albany)
Making Visible the Present/Seeing What’s Already There: Amuyt’aña y Luraña en dos prácticas recientes de Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
Caroline Shipley (Ohio State University)
The Legal and Ethnic Power of Nuestra Señora, the ‘Mother of the Indians´: Andeans’ Translating: Possession in the Colonial Pueblos de Indios.
Alcira Dueñas (Ohio State University, Newark)
Panel Session 2 (Parallel Session)
2A) Rhythms and Narratives
12:30pm to 1:30pm | ROOM 3C-4 (David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building, 3rd Floor)
New Voices, New Narrative spaces: Fighting Injustice with Fantasy
Kimberly E Contag, (Minnesota State University-Mankato)
The Jergacumu: A lost History migration and memory found in the song and dance of the Yauyos mitmaqcuna of Peru
Candy Hurtado (Florida Atlantic University) & Mariluz Hurtado (Kingston University London)
2B)Voices, Languages and Education
12:30pm to 1:30pm | ROOM 3C-8 (David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building, 3rd Floor)
Making Indigenous languages relevant: the instruction of Quechua in universities
Américo Mendoza-Mori (University of Pennsylvania)
“Youth , language and othering in the Quechua classroom”
Frances Kvietok (University of Pennsylvania)
1:45pm to 3 pm. | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
Panel Session 3 (Parallel Session)
3A) Andean Identity in Tension and Transition
3pm to 4:20pm | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
Lo propio americano. Lo andino en la Revista Americana de Buenos Aires (1929-1939)
José Carlos Salinas (Washington University St. Louis)
Economía y sentimiento: las tensiones capitalistas en Aves sin Nido
Mercedes Victoria Mayna Medrano (Univeristy of Pennsylvania)
Pensar la ‘nación indiana’: sujeto y comunidad en la escritura de los memoriales indígenas del siglo XVIII
José Eduardo Cornelio (Ursinus College)
3B) Andean Contemporary Poetic Praxis and Ideological Formations in the Southern Cone
3pm to 4:45pm | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
La poesía peruana de vanguardia en la revista Amauta (1926-1931) de José Carlos Mariátegui
Róger Santiváñez (Temple University)
Más allá de fronteras: lenguaje e identidad en “i tu” de Cecilia Vicuña
Silvia Goldman (DePaul University)
Hacia una ética de la representación: arquitectura de la imagen en la producción poética y las artes visuales.
Sarli E. Mercado (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
1970-2000: De la hegemonía de lo conversacional a la diversidad de registros poéticos
Carlos Villacorta Gonzales (University of Maine)
Panel Session 4 (Invited Panel I)
5pm to 6:30pm | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
Andean and Amazonian “Ecologies of Knowledge and Meaning” as Pedagogical and Programmatic Model
Michelle Wibbelsman (Ohio State University)
Andean Studies from the Periphery: Researching Andina Women, Resilience, and Education in Ticapampa, Peru
Laura A. Valdiviezo (UMass-Amherst)
Surviving the Trauma of Conquest Through Art: The Jesuits, Diego Tito Quispe and Anonymous artists
Martín Carrión (University of the Sciences)
Discussant: Marie Escalante
6:30 pm | Temporary Exhibition Gallery (Penn Museum)
Kuyayky concert and Tribute ceremony
7pm to 8pm | Widener Lecture Room (Penn Museum)
Saturday, February 11th
8:30am to 9am | Penn Museum
Panel Session 5 (Parallel Session)
5A ) Indigenous Community Politics and Insurgency
9:00am to 10:15am. | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
Andean space, indigeneity and the state. The Puno Tambopata Project 1956-1966.
Cayetana Adrianzen (New York University)
All Politics is Local: Decentralization and Government Performance across Bolivian
Mariana Giusti-Rodríguez (Cornell University)
“La mujer no es apolítica e indiferente”: the Role of Women in Sendero Luminoso
Leah Cargin (Minnesota State University, Mankato)
5B) Hybrid Voices
9:00am to 10:15am. | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
Pensar en quechua y escribir en español, letras indígenas en el Perú Colonial
Ana María Ferreira (University of Indianapolis)
Speaking about Hybridity… Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala’s Sway in Postcolonial Andean Theory
Annick Benavides (Harvard University)
Quechua lyric and national consciousness in Arguedas’ Todas las sangres.
Scotland Long (University of Pennsylvania)
Discussant: TBA
Panel Session 6 (Parallel Session)
6A) Hispanidad and its Echoes
10:30 am to 11:45 am | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
“Orfeo con su voz mudada”: ecos andinos en la práctica de la Academia Antártica
Víctor Sierra Matute (University of Pennsylvania)
(Des)apropiación y topología en las reescrituras coloniales contemporáneas de Colombia y Perú
Juan Carlos Rozo (University of Houston)
Post-Colonial Colonials: Spanish Migrants to 21st Century Lima
Diego Arispe-Bazán (University of Pennsylvania)
6B) Performing Devotion in the Andes
10:30 am to 11:45am | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
Revolutionary Gospel in Teatro de los Andes and La Compañia de Teatro de Albuquerque
Eduardo Luís Campos Lima (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
Troubling the Pentecostal pursuit of “modernity” in Cusco, Peru
Emilie Egger (Yale University)
Religious crossdressing: The figure of the imilla in Paucartambo
Enzo E. Vásquez Toral (Princeton University)
Andean Language and Cultural Advocates Lunchtime Roundtable
12:00pm – 1:30pm | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
- Gringo Kullki: Sucres to Dollars in Ecuador (Film and Presentation)
Prof. Regina Harrison (University of Maryland)
- Running the First Kichwa-Language Radio Show in the United States
Kichwa Hatari
Panel Session 7 (Invited Panel II): Thinking Andean Studies Through Bolivian History
2:00pm to 3 pm | Nevil Room (Penn Museum)
Framing and Disseminating the Indian Law and Toribio Miranda’s Jaqi Nationalism
Waskar Ari (University of Nebraska)
Bolivia Revisited: Reflections on scholarship in the post-structuralist era
Brooke Larson (SUNY, Stoney Brook)
Discussant: Christopher Heaney
Panel Session 8 (Invited Panel III)
3:15pm to 4:45pm | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
Indigenous Movements in the Eye of the Hurricane
Marc Becker (Truman State University)
‘Cuánto me costó aceptar a Santiago como una huaca’: The Andean Politics of the Gods Choosing Us
Oswaldo Hugo Benavides (Fordham University)
Hopes for Equality and the Political Mobilization of Castas in Late Colonial Peru
Mónica Ricketts (Temple University)
Discussant: Américo Mendoza-Mori
KEYNOTE: Cecilia Méndez (University of California, Santa Barbara)
5:00pm – 6:15pm | Widener Room (Penn Museum)
Foundational Violences: Silences, memory, and fratricide in Peru’s historiographical narratives, 1781-2017
6:15pm – 8:00pm | Penn Museum
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