

Hogan, J., & Rozin, P. (1961). An automatic device for dispensing food kept in a liquid medium. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4, 81-83.

Rozin, P., & Mayer, J. (1961). Regulation of food intake in the goldfish. American Journal of Physiology, 201, 968-974.  2regintakegoldfish61

Rozin, P., & Mayer, J. (1961). Thermal reinforcement and thermoregulatory behavior in the goldfish, Carassius auratusScience, 134, 942-943.  3fishthermoreg3science1961       Reprinted in: E. Satinoff (Ed.), (1981). Thermoregulation.   Benchmark Papers in Behavior, Volume l3. New York: Academic Pres


Hogan, J., & Rozin, P. (1962). An improved mechanical fish lever.  American Journal of Psychology, 75, 307-308.



Rozin, P., Wells, C., & Mayer, J. (1964). Specific hunger for thiamine:  Vitamin in water versus vitamin in food.  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 57, 78-84.  thiaminespechungerwaterwellsjcpp_1964

Rozin, P. (1964). Comparative biology of feeding patterns and mechanisms.  Federation Proceedings, 23, 60-65.

Rozin, P., & Mayer, J. (1964). Some factors influencing short-term food intake in the goldfish. American Journal of Physiology206, 1430-1436.  7goldfish_short_term_intake_1964


Rozin, P. (1965).  Specific hunger for thiamine. Recovery from  deficiency and thiamine preference. Journal of Comparative and  Physiological Psychology, 59, 98-101.

Rozin, P. (1965). Temperature independence of an arbitrary temporal discrimination in the goldfish.  Science, 149, 561-563.  9fishtempindepend9science1965


Rodgers, W., & Rozin, P. (1966). Novel food preferences in thiamine deficient rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 61, 1-4.


Rozin, P., & Rodgers, W. (1967). Novel diet preferences in vitamin deficient rats and rats recovered from vitamin deficiency. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 63, 421-428.

Rozin, P. (1967). Thiamine specific hunger. In C. F. Code (Ed.), Handbook of Physiology, Section 6, Alimentary Canal, Volume l: Control of Food and Water Intake. (pp. 411-432). Washington, D.C.: American Physiological Society.

Rozin, P. (1967). Specific aversions as a component of specific hungers. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 64, 237-242.   Reprinted in: M. E. P. Seligman, & J. Hager (Eds.), (1972).  Biological Boundaries of Learning. (pp. 51-58).  New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.



Rozin, P. (1968). Are carbohydrate and protein intakes separately regulated?  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 65, 23-29.

Rozin, P. (1968). Specific aversions and neophobia as a consequence of vitamin deficiency and/or poisoning in half-wild and domestic rats.  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 66, 82-88.

Rozin, P. (1968). The use of poikilothermy as a tool in the analysis of behavior. In D. Ingle (Ed.), The Central Nervous System and Behavior of Fishes (pp. 181-192). Chicago: University of Chicago  Press.



Rozin, P. (1969). Central or peripheral mediation of learning with long CS-US intervals in the feeding system.  Journal of Comparative and P hysiological Psychology, 67, 421-429.    Reprinted in: Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Psychology. P-793.

Teitelbaum, P., Cheng, M-F., & Rozin, P. (1969) Stages of recovery and development of lateral hypothalamic control of food and water intake. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 157, 849-860.

Teitelbaum, P., Cheng, M-F., & Rozin, P. (1969). Development of feeding parallels its recovery after hypothalamic damage. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 67, 430-441.

Rozin, P. (1969). Adaptive food sampling patterns in vitamin deficient rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 69, 126-132


Kalat, J. W. & Rozin, P. (1970). “Salience:” A factor which can over-ride temporal contiguity in taste-aversion learning. Journal  of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 71, 192-197.



Rozin, P., Poritsky, S., & Sotsky, R. (1971). American children with reading problems can easily learn to read English represented by Chinese characters.  Science, 171, 1264-1267.  22chinesereading22science1971

Reprinted in: F. Smith (Ed.). (1973). Psycholinguistics and Reading   (pp. 106-115). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Cheng, M-F., Rozin, P. & Teitelbaum, P. (1971). Starvation retards the development of food and water regulations. Journal of  Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 76, 206-218.

Kalat, J. W., & Rozin, P. (1971). The role of interference in taste-aversion learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 77, 53-58.

Rozin, P., & Kalat, J. W. (1971). Specific hungers and poison avoidance as adaptive specializations of learning. Psychological Review, 78, 459-486.  25adaptspecrozkalat1971psychrev

Gleitman, H., & Rozin, P. (1971). Learning and memory. In W. S. Hoar & D. J. Randall (Eds.), Fish Physiology, Volume 6 (pp. 191-278).  New York: Academic Press.



Rozin, P., & Kalat, J. W. (1972). Learning as a situation-specific adaptation. In M. E. P. Seligman & J. L. Hager (Eds.),  Biological Boundaries of Learning (pp. 66-96).  New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Kalat, J. W., & Rozin, P. (1972). You can lead a rat to poison but you can’t make him think. In M. E. P. Seligman & J. L. Hager (Eds.), Biological Boundaries of Learning (pp. 115-122). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Rozin, P., & Ree, P. (1972). Long extension of effective CS-US interval by anesthesia between CS and US. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 80, 43-48.

Kurtz, R. G., Rozin, P., & Teitelbaum, P. (1972). Ventromedial hypothalamic hyperphagia in the hypophysectomized weanling rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 80, 19-25.


Kalat, J. W., & Rozin, P. (1973). Learned safety as a mechanism in rat’s long delay taste-aversion learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 83, 198-207.

Gleitman, L. R., & Rozin, P. (1973). Teaching reading by use of a syllabary. Reading Research Quarterly, 8, 447-483.

Gleitman, L. R., & Rozin, P. (1973). Phoenician go home? Reading Research Quarterly, 8, 494-501.



Rozin, P., Bressman, B., & Taft, M. (1974). Do children understand the basic relationship between speech and writing?  The mow-motorcycle test. Journal of Reading Behavior, 6, 327-334.


Jonides, J., Kahn, R., & Rozin, P. (1975). Imagery instructions improve memory in blind subjects. Bulletin of the Psychonomic  Society, 5, 424-426.


Rozin, P. (1976). The selection of food by rats, humans and other animals. In J. Rosenblatt, R. A. Hinde, C. Beer, & E. Shaw (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 6 (pp. 21-76). New York: Academic Press.  36foodselratshumans1976

Rozin, P. (1976). The evolution of intelligence and access to the cognitive unconscious. In J. A. Sprague & A. N. Epstein (Eds.), Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology, Volume 6 (pp. 245-280). New York: Academic Press.  37cogucs76pap

Rozin, P. (1976). The psychobiological approach to human memory. In M. R. Rosenzweig & E. L. Bennett (Eds.), Neural Mechanisms of  Learning and Memory (pp. 3-46). Cambridge, Massachusetts: M. I. T. Press.  38memorypsychobiology1976

Rozin, P. (1976). The little man in the head. In M. R. Rosenzweig & E. L. Bennett (Eds.), Neural Mechanisms of Learning and Memory (pp. 47-48). Cambridge, Massachusetts: M. I. T. Press.

Rozin, P. (1976). Psychobiological and cultural determinants of food choice. In T. Silverstone (Ed.), Dahlem Workshop on Appetite and Food Intake (pp. 285-312). Berlin: Dahlem Konferenzen.

Rozin, P. (1976). Curt Richter: The compleat psychobiologist. In E. Blass (Ed.), The Psychobiology of Curt Richter (pp. xv-xxviii). Baltimore: York.


Gleitman, L. R., & Rozin, P. (1977). Structure and acquisition of reading. I. Relations between orthographies and the structure of language.  In A. S. Reber & D. Scarborough (Eds.), Toward a Psychology of Reading (pp. 1-53). Potomac, Maryland: Erlbaum.  42readingstructacquirei_1977

Rozin, P., & Gleitman, L. R. (1977). The structure and acquisition of reading. II. The reading process and the acquisition of the alphabetic principle. In A. S. Reber & D. Scarborough (Eds.), Toward a Psychology of Reading (pp. 55-141). Potomac, Maryland: Erlbaum.  43readingstructureacquireii_1977

Rozin, P., & Jonides, J. (1977). Mass reaction time: Measurement of the speed of the nerve impulse and the duration of mental processes in class. Teaching of Psychology, 4, 91-94.

Rozin, P., & Gleitman, L. R. (1977). Syllabary. (An introductory reading curriculum). Washington, D. C.: Curriculum Development Associates.

Rozin, P. (1977). The significance of learning mechanisms in food selection: Some biology, psychology and sociology of science. In L. M.  Barker, M. Best, & M. Domjan (Eds.), Learning Mechanisms in Food Selection (pp. 557-589). Waco, Texas: Baylor University  Press.



Rozin, P. (1978). The use of characteristic flavorings in human culinary practice.  In C. M. Apt (Ed.), Flavor: Its Chemical, Behavioral and Commercial Aspects (pp. 101-127). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Rozin, P. (1978). A structural approach to the acquisition of basic alphabetic principles. In A. C. Catania & T. A. Brigham (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Social and Instructional Processes (pp. 410-453). New York: Irvington.




Rozin, P., Gruss, L., & Berk, G. (1979). The reversal of innate aversions:  Attempts to induce a preference for chili peppers in rats.  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 93, 1001-1014.  49chiliratjcpp_1979

Rozin, P. (1979). Preference and affect in food selection. In J. H. A. Kroeze (Ed.), Preference Behavior and Chemoreception (pp. 289-302). London: Information Retrieval.


Rozin, P., & Schiller, D. (1980). The nature and acquisition of a preference for chili pepper by humans. Motivation and Emotion, 4, 77-101.

Rozin, P., & Kalat, J. W. (1980). Citation classic: Commentary on Rozin & Kalat (1971) Psychological Review Paper. Current Contents, 12, (Number l3), 14.

Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E. (1980). The psychological categorization of foods and non-foods: A preliminary taxonomy of food rejections. Appetite, 1, 193-201.  53categorizationfofoods1980

Rozin, P. (1980). Human food selection: Why do we know so little and what can we do about it? International Journal of Obesity, 4, 333-337.

Rozin, P. (1980). Acquisition of food preferences and attitudes to food. International Journal of Obesity, 4, 356-363.


Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E. (1981). The acquisition of likes and dislikes for foods.  In J. Solms and R. L. Hall (Eds.), Criteria of Food Acceptance: How Man Chooses What He Eats.  A Symposium (pp. 35-48).  Zurich: Forster.

Reprinted in abbreviated form, under same title, in: Kellogg Nutrition  Symposium. (1982), 74-90. Rexdale, Ontario: Kellogg  Salada Canada.

Rozin, E & Rozin, P. (1981). Culinary themes and variations. Natural History, 90(2), 6-14.

Reprinted in abbreviated form under the title: “Why different flavored foods?”  The Professional Nutritionist, 13(3), 1-2.

Rozin, P., Mark, M., & Schiller, D. (1981). The role of desensitization to capsaicin in chili pepper ingestion and preference. Chemical Senses, 6, 23-31.

Jonides, J., & Rozin, P. (1981). Study Guide for Gleitman’s PSYCHOLOGY. (outlines, questions, experiments and activities to accompany Psychology by Henry Gleitman). New York: W. W. Norton.

Rozin, E., & Rozin, P. (1981). Some surprisingly unique characteristics of human food preferences. In A. Fenton & T. M. Owen (Eds.), Food in Perspective (pp. 243-252). Edinburgh: John Donald.

Rozin, P. (1981). Explaining diversity and searching for general processes: isn’t there a middle ground? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4, 157-158.

Rozin, P. (1981). The study of human food selection and the problem of “Stage One Science.” In S. Miller (Ed.), Nutrition and Behavior (pp. 9-18). Philadelphia: Franklin Institute Press.  62stage1science_andfood_1981


Rozin, P., Ebert, L., & Schull, J. (1982). Some like it hot: A temporal analysis of hedonic responses to chili pepper. Appetite, 3, 13-22.  somelikeithot_appetite_1982

Cines, B. M., & Rozin, P. (1982). Some aspects of the liking for hot coffee and coffee flavor. Appetite, 3, 23-34.  64coffeecinesrozinapp82pap

Rozin, P. (1982). “Taste-smell confusions” and the duality of the olfactory sense. Perception and Psychophysics, 31, 397-401.  65tastesmell_pp_82

Rozin, P., & Cines, B. M. (1982). Ethnic differences in coffee use and attitudes to coffee. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 12, 79-89.  66coffeeethniccinesefn82pap

Rozin, P. (1982). Human food selection: The interaction of biology, culture and individual experience. In L. M. Barker (Ed.), The Psychobiology of Human Food Selection (pp. 225-254). Bridgeport, Connecticut: AVI.

Pelchat, M. L. & Rozin, P. (1982). The special role of nausea in the acquisition of food dislikes by humans. Appetite, 3, 341-351.  68pelchat_nauseahumanaversions_appetite1982


Fallon, A. E., & Rozin, P. (1983). The psychological bases of food rejections by humans. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 13, 15-26.

Pelchat, M. L., Grill, H. J., Rozin, P., & Jacobs, J. (1983). Quality of acquired response to taste depends on type of associated discomfort. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 97, 140-153.

Rozin, P., & Kennel, K. (1983). Acquired preferences for piquant foods by chimpanzees. Appetite, 4, 69-77.  71chimpchiliapp83

Zellner, D. A., Rozin, P., Aron, M., & Kulish, C. (1983). Conditioned enhancement of human’s liking for flavors by pairing with sweetness. Learning and Motivation, 14, 338-350.  72zellner_condliking_72_lm83



Rozin, P., Fallon, A. E., & Mandell, R. (1984). Family resemblance in attitudes to food. Developmental Psychology, 20, 309-314.  73famresembfoodcontamrozfallmandell_dp84-2

Fallon, A. E., Rozin, P., & Pliner, P. (1984). The child’s conception of food: The development of food rejections with special reference to disgust and contamination sensitivity. Child Development, 55, 566-575.

Rozin, P., Reff, D., Mark, M., & Schull, J. (1984). Conditioned opponent responses in human tolerance to caffeine. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 22, 117-120.

Rozin, P. (1984). Disorders of the Nervous System. Chapter in: D. Rosenhan & M. E. P. Seligman, Abnormal Psychology (pp. 545-589). New York: W. W. Norton.

Rozin, P. (1984). The acquisition of food habits and preferences. In J. D. Matarazzo, S. M. Weiss, J. A. Herd, N. E. Miller, & S. M. Weiss (Eds.), Behavioral Health. A Handbook of Health Enhancement and Disease Prevention. (Pp. 590-607). New York: John Wiley.

Diamond, R. J., & Rozin, P. (1984). Activation of existing memories in anterograde amnesia. Journal of  Abnormal Psychology, 93, 98-105.  78diamond_amnesia_priming_jabn_1984



Fallon, A. E., & Rozin, P. (1985).  Sex differences in perception of desirable body shape. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94, 102-105.  79sexdiffbimagejabnpsych1985

Rozin, P. (1985). In good taste, or not? A reply to McGrew. Appetite, 6, 85-86.Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E. (1985). That’s disgusting.  Psychology Today, 7 (July), 60-63.

Rozin, P., & Zellner, D. A. (1985). The role of Pavlovian conditioning in the acquisition of food likes and dislikes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 443, 189-202.

Rozin, P., Fallon, A. E., & Augustoni-Ziskind, M. (1985).  The child’s conception of food:  The development of contamination sensitivity to “disgusting” substances.  Developmental Psychology, 21, 1075-1079.

Pliner, P., Rozin, P., Cooper, M., and Woody, G. (1985). Role of specific postingestional effects and medicinal context in the acquisition of liking for tastes. Appetite, 6, 243-252.  acquirelikemedicinal_appetite_1985

Lawless, H., Rozin, P., & Shenker, J. (1985). Effects of oral capsaicin on gustatory, olfactory and irritant sensations and flavor identification in humans who regularly or rarely consume chili pepper.  Chemical Senses, 10, 579-589.



Rozin, P., Fallon, A. E., & Augustoni-Ziskind, M.  (1986). The child’s conception of food: Development of categories of accepted and rejected substances. Journal of Nutrition Education, 18, 75-81.

Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E. (1986). The acquisition of likes and dislikes for foods. In: What is America Eating? (pp. 58-71). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Rozin, P., Hammer, L., Oster, H., Horowitz, T., & Marmara, V. (1986). The child’s conception of food: Differentiation of categories of rejected substances in the 1.4 to 5 year age range. Appetite, 7, 141-151.  88hammer_infantfoodchoice_appetite_1986

Rozin, P., Millman, L., & Nemeroff, C. (1986). Operation of the laws of sympathetic magic in disgust and other domains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 703-712.  89lawssympmagicjpsp86

Rozin, P., & Vollmecke, T. (1986). Food likes and dislikes. Annual Review of Nutrition, 6, 433-456.

Rozin, P. (1986). One-trial acquired likes and dislikes in humans: Disgust as a US, food predominance and negative learning predominance.  Learning and Motviation, 17, 180-189.

Rozin, P., Pelchat, M. L., & Fallon, A. E. (1986). Psychological factors influencing food choice. In C. Ritson, L. Gofton & J. McKenzie (Eds.), The Food Consumer  (pp. 85-106). Chichester, England: John Wiley.

Rozin, P. (1986).  Sweetness, sensuality, sin, safety and socialization: Some speculations. In J. Dobbing (Ed.), Sweetness (pp. 99-110). London: Springer-Verlag.


 Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E.  (1987). A perspective on disgust. Psychological Review, 94, 23-41.  94disgustperspectivesprev87

Rozin, E., & Rozin, P. (1987). Food selection. In D. J. McFarland (Ed.), Oxford Companion to Animal Behavior (pp. 209-214), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rozin, P. (1987). Psychobiological perspectives on food preferences and avoidances.  In M. Harris & E. Ross (Eds.), Food and Evolution (pp. 181-206).  Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Rozin, P., & Millman, L. (1987). Family environment, not heredity, accounts for family resemblances in food preferences and attitudes.  Appetite, 8, 125-134. 97twinprefs_appetite_1987

Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1987). Sympathetic magic in kosher practice and belief at the limits of the law  of Kashrut. Jewish Folklore & Ethnology Review, 9(1), 31-32.



 Rozin, P. (1988).  Cultural approaches to human food preferences. In J. Morley, M. B. Sterman & J. Walsh (Eds.), Nutritional modulation of neural function (pp. 137-153). New York: Academic Press.

Rozin, P. (1988). Social learning about foods by humans. In T. Zentall & B. G. Galef, Jr. (Eds.), Social learning: A comparative approach (pp. 165-187).  Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum.

Rozin, P. (1988). Obesity and food preference: Measurements in search of meanings. In N. Krasnegor, G. Grave & N. Kretchmer (Eds.), Childhood obesity: A biobehavioral perspective (pp. 77-88).  Caldwell, N. J.: The Telford Press.

Rozin, P., & Schull, J. (1988). The adaptive-evolutionary point of view in experimental psychology.  In R. C. Atkinson,  R. J. Herrnstein, G. Lindzey, & R. D. Luce (Eds.), Handbook of Experimental Psychology (pp. 503-546).  New York: Wiley-Interscience.  102evoladaptapproachhbkexp1988-2

Rozin, P., & Fallon, A. E. (1988). Body image, attitudes to weight, and misperceptions of figure preferences of the opposite sex: A  comparison of males and females in two generations. Journal  of Abnormal  Psychology, 97, 342-345.  103bimagesexjabnpsych1988

McCauley, C., Thangavelu, K., & Rozin, P. (1988). Sex stereotyping of occupations in relation to television representations and  census facts. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 9, 197-212.

Zellner, D. A., Stewart, W. F., Rozin, P., & Brown, J. M. (1988). Effect of temperature and expectations on liking for beverages. Physiology & Behavior, 44, 61-68.

Rozin, P., & Pelchat, M. L. (1988). Memories of mammaries: Adaptations to weaning from milk in mammals.  In A. N. Epstein & A. Morrison (Eds.). Advances in Psychobiology, Volume 13 (pp. 1-29). New York, Academic Press.  106memmamm88pap

Trope, I., Rozin, P., and Gur, R. C. (1988). Validation of the lateral limits technique with a callosotomy patient. Neuropsychologia, 26, 673-684.



Moscovitch, M., & Rozin, P.  (1989).  Disorders of the nervous system. In D. Rosenhan & M. E. P. Seligman, Abnormal Psychology (2nd edition). New York: W. W. Norton.

Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1989). “You are what you eat:” Applying the demand-free “impressions” technique to an unacknowledged belief.  Ethos. The Journal of Psychological Anthropology, 17, 50-69.  109yawye_eth89

Rozin, P. (1989). The role of learning in the acquisition of food preferences by humans. In R. Shepherd (Ed.), Handbook of the psychophysiology of human eating  (pp. 205-227).  Chichester, England: Wiley.

Casey, R., & Rozin, P. (1989). Changing children’s food preferences:  Parent opinions.  Appetite, 12, 171-182.  111caseychangeprefapp89

Rozin, P., Nemeroff, C., Wane, M., and Sherrod, A. (1989). Operation of the  sympathetic magical law of contagion in interpersonal attitudes among Americans. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27, 367-370.  112wanemagic112bps89

Rozin, P. (1989). Disorders of food selection: The compromise of pleasure.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 575, 376-385.

Rozin, P., & Shenker, J. (1989). Liking cold and hot irritant sensations Specificity to type of irritant and  locus of stimulation.  Chemical Senses, 14, 771-779.



Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. J. (1990). The laws of sympathetic magic: A  psychological analysis of similarity and contagion.  In J. Stigler,  G. Herdt & R. A. Shweder (Eds.), Cultural Psychology: Essays on comparative human development (pp. 205-232). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.  115lawsmagicshweder1990

Rozin, P. (1990). Getting to like the burn of chili pepper: Biological, psychological and cultural perspectives.  In B. G. Green, J. R. Mason & M. R. Kare (Eds.), Chemical senses, Volume 2: Irritation (pp. 231-269).  New York: Marcel Dekker.  116achilipepperpart1990 116bchilipeppergettingtolikepart21990

Rozin, P. (1990) The acquisition of stable food preferences. Nutrition Reviews, 48, 106-113.  117acqstableprefsnr90

Rozin, P. (1990). Social and moral aspects of eating. In I. Rock (Ed.), The legacy of Solomon Asch: Essays in cognition and social psychology  (pp. 97-110).  Potomac, Maryland: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Rozin, P. (1990). Curt Paul Richter (1894-1988) (Obituary). American Psychologist, 45, 771-772.

Rozin, P. (1990). Development in the food domain. Developmental Psychology, 26, 555-562.  120develfooddomaindp90

Rozin, P., Markwith, M., & Ross, B. (1990). The sympathetic magical law of similarity, nominal realism and the neglect of negatives in response to negative labels. Psychological Science, 1, 383-384.

Rozin, P., & Schulkin, J. (1990). Food selection. In E. M. Stricker (ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology, Volume 10, Food and water intake (pp. 297-328). New York: Plenum.

Rozin, P. (1990). The importance of social factors in understanding the acquisition of food habits. In E. D. Capaldi & T. L. Powley (Eds.), Taste, experience and feeding (pp. 255-269).  American Psychological Association.



Rozin, P., & Markwith, M.  (1991). Cross domain variety seeking in food choice. Appetite, 16, 57-59.  crossdomainvariety_appetite_1991

Rozin, P. (1991). Family resemblance in food and other domains: The family paradox and the role of parental congruence. Appetite, 16, 93-102.  125famparadoxapp91pap

Rozin, P., Levine, E., & Stoess, C. (1991). Chocolate craving and liking. Appetite, 17, 199-212.  126choccravinglevineapp91



Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1992). Sympathetic magical beliefs and kosher dietary practice: The interaction of rules and feelings. Ethos, 20, 96-115.  127kosherrulesfeelilngs_ethos_1992

Trope, I., Rozin, P., Nelson, D. K., & Gur, R. C. (1992). Information  processing in the separated hemispheres of callosotomy patients: Does the analytic-holistic dichotomy hold?  Brain & Cognition, 19, 123-147.

Rozin, P. (1992). Why we eat, why we eat it, and why we worry so much about it. Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Science and Public Policy Seminars (pp. 1-12).  Washington, D. C.: Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences._

Rozin, P., Markwith, M., & Nemeroff, C. (1992). Magical contagion beliefs and fear of AIDS. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 1081-1092.  130aidsmagicmarkwithjasp92pap

Rozin, P.  (1992). Learning and memory in human food selection.  In L. R. Squire (ed.), Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory (Pp. 171-173).  New York: Macmillan



Rozin, P., & Stoess, C.  (1993)  Is there a general tendency to become addicted?  Addictive Behaviors, 18, 81-87.

Rozin, P. (1993). Food and cuisine: Education, risk and pleasure. Journal of Gastronomy, 7, 111-120.

Rozin, P. (1993). Psychological aspects of the use of low-calorie foods: Changing beliefs and preferences. In A. Altschul (Ed.), Low-Calorie Foods Handbook, (pp. 535-550). New York: Marcel Dekker.

Rosen, A., & Rozin, P. (1993). Now you see it….Now you don’t: The preschool child’s conception of invisible particles in the context of dissolving. Developmental Psychology, 29, 300-311.

Redelmeier, D., Rozin, P, & Kahneman, D. (1993). Understanding patient’s decisions: Cognitive and emotional perspectives. Journal of the American Medical Association, 270, 72-76.

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (1993). Disgust.  In M. Lewis & J. Haviland (eds.). Handbook of emotions (pp. 575-594).  New York: Guilford.  137dghbklewis93chap

Rozin, P., & Tuorila, H. (1993). Simultaneous and temporal contextual influences on food choice. Food quality and preference, 4, 11-20.



Rozin, P. (1994). Food enculturation.  In B. G. Galef, Jr.,  M. Mainardi & P. Valsecchi (Eds.)  Behavioral aspects of feeding  (pp. 203-228).  Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Rozin, P., Lowery, L., & Ebert, R. (1994). Varieties of disgust faces and the structure of disgust. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 870-881. 140disgustfacevarietyjpsp94

Haidt, J., McCauley, C. R., & Rozin, P. (1994). Individual differences in sensitivity to disgust: A scale sampling seven domains of disgust elicitors. Personality and Individual Differences, 16, 701-713.  141dscalehaidtpid1994

Rozin, P., Markwith, M., & McCauley, C. R. (1994). Sensitivity to indirect contacts with other persons: AIDS aversion as a composite of aversion to strangers, infection, moral taint and misfortune.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 495-504.  142contagioncontactjabn94pap

Michener, W. A., & Rozin, P. (1994). Pharmacological vs. sensory factors in the satiation of chocolate craving. Physiology & Behavior, 56, 419-422.  143michenercraviingpb94

Rozin, P. (1994). La magie sympathique.  In: Ed. C. Fischler, Manger magique (pp. 22-37).  Paris: Editions Autremont.

Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (1994). The contagion concept in adult thinking in the United States: Transmission of germs and interpersonal influence. Ethos, 22, 158-186.  145contagnemrozethos1994

Schulkin, J., Rozin, P., & Stellar, E.  (1994).  Curt P. Richter.  A biographical memoir.  Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences65, 310-32



Rozin, P. (1995). Des gouts et degouts.  In S. Bessis (ed.), Mille et une bouches.  Cuisines et identites culturelles (pp. 96-105). Paris: Editions Autrement.

Rozin, P.  (1995).  Thinking about and choosing food: Biological, psychological and cultural perspectives.  In L. Dube, J. Le Bel, C. Tougas & V. Troche (Eds.). Health and pleasure at the table (pp. 173-193).  Montreal, Canada: Enjeux actuels du marketing dans l’alimentation at la restauration. (Edited version of publication # 129).  147thinkfoodadube95

Rozin, P.  (1995).  Les perceptions et les choix alimentaires: Approches biologique, psychologique, et culturelle.  In L. Dube, J. Le Bel, C. Tougas & V. Troche (Eds.). Sante et plaisir: A chaque bouchee (pp. 189-212).  Montreal, Canada: Enjeux actuels du marketing dans l’alimentation at la restauration. (Edited version of publication # 129).

Todrank, J., Byrnes, D., Wrzesniewski, A., & Rozin, P. (1995). Odors can change preferences for people in photographs: A cross-modal evaluative conditioning study with olfactory USs and Visual CSs. Learning & Motivation, 26, 116-140.  148todrankodorec95

Rozin, P., Nemeroff, C., Horowitz, M., Gordon, B., & Voet, W. (1995). The borders of the self: Contamination sensitivity and potency of the mouth, other apertures and body parts. Journal of Research in Personality, 29, 318-340.  149bordersvoetjrp95pap


Rozin, P.  (1996). Towards a psychology of food and eating: From motivation to model to meaning, morality and metaphor.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 5, 18-24.  150towardfoodcd96

Rozin, P. (1996). Sociocultural influences on food selection. In. E. D. Capaldi & T. Powley (eds.). The psychology of eating (pp. 233-263). American Psychological Association.



Rozin, P. (1996). The socio/cultural context of eating and food choice. In H. MacFie & H. Meiselman (Eds.), Food choice, acceptance and consumption.  (Pp. 83-104). Glasgow, UK: Blackie Academic & Professional.


Rozin, P. (1996). The flavor-fusion illusion: The psychology of flavor. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Confectioners’ Association, Fiftieth Golden Anniversary Production Conference, 47-

153 FlavorFusionRozin 1996


Rozin, P., Ashmore, M. B., & Markwith, M. (1996).  Lay American conceptions of nutrition: Dose insensitivity, categorical thinking, contagion, and the monotonic mind..  Health Psychology, 15, 438-447. laynutritionhp1996

Bell, R., & Rozin, P. (1996). Rose Marie Pangborn again (lyrics for two rap songs).  Food Quality and Preference, 7, 3 / 4, 151.  pangbornsong



Rozin, P. (1997). Why we eat what we eat. Bulletin: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences. L (5), 26-48. (Adapted from reference # 129).

Wrzesniewski, A., McCauley, C. R., Rozin, P., & Schwartz, B. (1997). Jobs, careers and callings: A tripartite categorization of people’s relations to their work.  Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 21-33.  jobscareerscallings156jrp1997pap

Rozin, P., Markwith, M., & Stoess, C. (1997). Moralization: Becoming a vegetarian, the conversion of preferences into values and the recruitment of disgust. Psychological Science, 8, 67-73.  vegmordgps97

Haidt, J., Rozin, P., McCauley, C. R., & Imada, S. (1997). Body, psyche and culture: The relationship between disgust and morality. G. Misra (ed.), Psychology and Developing Societies, 1, 107-131.

Brandt, A., & Rozin, P. (Eds.) (1997). Morality and Health (New York: Routledge).

Brandt, A., & Rozin, P. (1997). Introduction. In A. Brandt & P. Rozin (Eds.). Morality and health. (Pp. 1-11). (New York: Routledge).

Rozin, P. (1997). Moralization. In A. Brandt & P. Rozin (Eds.). Morality and health (pp. 379-401)  (New York: Routledge).  moralize161brandt1997chap

Gleitman, H., Rozin, P., & Sabini, J. (1997). Solomon E. Asch (Obituary). American Psychologist, 52, 984-985.  aschobit162ap97pap

Rozin, P. (1997). Viande, psychologie et culture.  In Actes du colloque: Le boeuf, le Charolais a table.  Proceedings of Etats generaux de la gastronomie francaise, 47eme session, Dijon, France, 10 November, 1996.

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., McCauley, C. R., & Imada, S. (1997). The cultural evolution of disgust. In H. M. Macbeth (ed.). Food preferences and taste: Continuity and change (pp. 65-82).  Oxford, U.K.: Berghahn.  disgustcultevolmacbeth_1997

Rozin, P. (1997). Disgust faces, basal ganglia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Some strange brainfellows.  A comment on “‘A specific neural substrate for perceiving facial expressions of disgust’ by Phillips et al..”   Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1, 321-322.


Rozin, P. (1998). Towards a psychology of  food choice.  Danone Chair Monograph. Brussels, Belgium: Institut Danone. (collection of Rozin reprints and two brief original articles). 

Rozin, P., Dow, S., Moscovitch, M., & Rajaram, S. (1998). The role of memory for recent eating experiences in onset and cessation of meals.  Evidence from the amnesic syndrome.  Psychological Science, 9, 392-396. amnesiadow167ps98

Rozin, P., Wrzesniewski, A., & Byrnes, D. (1998). The elusiveness of evaluative conditioning. Learning & Motivation, 29, 397-415.  elusivenesseclm98

Miller, L. F., Fiske, A., & Rozin, P. (1998). The social meaning of sharing food in the United States.  European Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 423-436.  sharingfood169ejsp98

Rozin, P. (1998). Evolution and development of brains and cultures: some basic principles and interactions.  In M S. Gazzaniga and J. S. Altman (eds.)  Brain and Mind: evolutionary perspectives (pp. 111-123).  Strasbourg, France: Human Frontier Science Program.

Rozin, P. (1998). Reflexion sur l’alimentation et ses risques. Perspectives psychologiques et culturelles.  In M. Apfelbaum (editor). Risques et peurs alimentaires.(pp. 135-147).  Paris: Odile Jacob.



Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (1999). Disgust: The body and soul emotion.  In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (eds.) Handbook of Cognition and Emotion (Pp. 429-445). Chichester, U. K.: John Wiley.

Rozin, P. (1999). Food is fundamental, fun, frightening, and far-reaching. Social Research, 66, 9-30.  (Translated and printed in German):  Rozin, P.  (2000).  Essen ist essentiell, erfreulich, ershreckend und expansiv.  Internationaler Arbeitkreis fur Kulturforschung des Essens, 5, 2-13.  foodfund173srmack1999pap

Rozin, P., Lowery, L., Imada, S., & Haidt, J. (1999). The CAD triad hypothesis: A mapping between three moral emotions (contempt, anger, disgust) and three moral codes (community, autonomy, divinity). Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 76, 574-586.  cadtriad174jpsp99pap

Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (1999).   Magic and superstition.  In R. A. Wilson & F. C. Keil (eds.).  The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences, (Pp. 503-505).  Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.

Rozin, P., & Singh, L. (1999). The moralization of cigarette smoking in America. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 8, 321-337.  cigmoralsingh176jcr1999pap

Rozin, P. (1999). The process of moralization. Psychological Science, 10, 218-221.  moralizationps1999

Rozin, P. (1999)  Preadaptation and the puzzles and properties of pleasure.  In D. Kahneman, E. Diener & N. Schwarz (eds.).  Well being: The foundations of hedonic psychology. (Pp. 109-133). New York: Russell Sage.  pleasure178kahneman1999chap

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., McCauley, C. R., Dunlop, L., & Ashmore, M. (1999). Individual differences in disgust sensitivity: Comparisons and evaluations of paper-and-pencil versus behavioral measures.  Journal of Research in Personality, 33, 330-351.  dgvaljrp99

Michener, W., Rozin, P., Freeman, E., & Gale, L. (1999) The role of low progesterone and tension as triggers of perimenstrual chocolate and sweet craving: Some negative experimental evidence. Physiology & Behavior, 67, 417-420.  180Michener_ProgesteroneChocolate_PhysiolBehav1999 – Copy

Rozin, P., Fischler, C., Imada, S., Sarubin, A., & Wrzesniewski, A. (1999). Attitudes to food and the role of food in life: Comparisons of Flemish Belgium, France, Japan and the United States. Appetite, 33, 163-180.  foodattfranceapp99

Wrzesniewski, A., McCauley, C. R., & Rozin, P. (1999). Odor and affect: Individual differences in the impact of odor on liking for places, things and people. Chemical Senses, 24, 713-721.  odoraffect182cs1999pap



Rozin, P. (2000). Food and eating.  Entry in: D. Levinson, J. Ponzetti, & P. Jorgenson (eds.)  Encyclopedia of human emotion, Volume 1 (pp.270-273).  New York: Macmillan.  foodeating183encycemot2000chap

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (2000).   Disgust.  Entry in: D. Levinson, J. Ponzetti, & P. Jorgenson (eds.) Encyclopedia of human emotions. Volume 1 (second edition) (pp. 188-193).   New York: Macmillan. disgust184encycemot2000chap

Rozin, P. (2000). Evolution and adaptation in the understanding of behavior, culture, and mind.  In P. Boyer & J. Heckhausen (eds.)  American Behavioral Scientist. (issue entitled: Evolutionary psychology: Potential and limits of a Darwinian framework for the behavioral sciences).  43, 970-986.

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (2000).   Disgust. In M. Lewis & J. Haviland (eds.). Handbook of emotions, second edition  (pp. 637-653).  New York: Guilford.  dghbk186lewis00chap

Hejmadi, A., Davidson, R., & Rozin, P. (2000). Exploring Hindu Indian emotion expressions: Evidence for accurate recognition by Americans and Indians.  Psychological Science, 11, 183-187.



Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (2000). The makings of the magical mind.  In K. S. Rosengren, C. N.  Johnson, & P. L. Harris (eds.).  Imagining the impossible: magical, scientific, and religious thinking in children. (Pp. 1-34).  New York: Cambridge University Press.  makingsmagicalmind2000

Rozin, P. (2000).  The Wordgleits.  In: B. Landau, J. Sabini, J. Jonides, & E. Newport (eds.).  Perception, cognition, and language.  (Pp. 27-38).  Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Rozin, P. (2000).   The psychology of food and food choice.   in K. F. Kiple and K. C. Ornelas (eds.)  Cambridge World History of Food (pp. 1476-1485).  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Rozin, P. (2000).  Why we’re so fat and the French are not.   Psychology Today, 33, November/December, 64-68.

Pliner, P., & Rozin, P. (2000).  The psychology of the meal.  In H. Meiselman  (Ed.)   Dimensions of the meal: the science, culture, business, and art of eating (pp. 19-46).  Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.  mealpsych192meisel2000chap

Rozin, P., & McCauley, C. R. (2000). Asch, Solomon E.  (Biography).  In. A. E. Kazdin (ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology, Volume 1 (pp. 257-259).  Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.  aschbio2003

Rozin, P. (2000). Richter, Curt Paul. (Biography).  In A. E. Kazdin (ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology, Volume 7 (pp. 103-104).  Oxford, U. K.: Oxford University Press.




Rozin, P. (2001).  Social psychology and science: Some lessons from Solomon Asch.  Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 2-14.  socpsysci195pspr2001pap

Rozin, P. (2001). Technological stigma: Some perspectives from the study of contagion. In J. Flynn, P. Slovic, & H. Kunreuther (eds.).  Risk, media, and stigma: Understanding public challenges to modern science and technology (pp.31-40).  London: Earthscan.  techstigma_2001

Cohen, A. B., & Rozin, P. (2001). Religion and the morality of mentality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  81, 697-710.  moralmental197jpsp2001pap

Rozin, P., & Royzman, E. (2001). Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion.  Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 296-320.  negbias198pspr2001pap

Rozin, P., Trachtenberg, S., & Cohen, A. B. (2001). Stability of body image and body image dissatisfaction in American college students over about 15 years. Appetite, 37, 245-248.  bimagestabilitytrachtenberg_appetite2001

Rozin, P. (2001). Food and earth. (Introductory essay for Food and Earth Calendar), Brussels, Belgium: Blonde.  foodearth200calendar01pap

Rozin, P. (2001).   Food preferences.  In P. Baltes and N. Smelser (eds.).  International encyclopedia of the behavioral sciences.(Pp.  ). Elsevier



Rozin, P. (2001). Disgust, Psychology of. In P. Baltes and N. Smelser (eds.).  International encyclopedia of the behavioral sciences. (Pp. 3766-3769).   Elsevier.  disgust202intlencyc01chap


Rozin, P. (2002). The value (as opposed to growth) approach to inquiry. In R. A. Sternberg (ed.).  Successful opposition to the crowd. Pp. 191-212.   Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.  valuegrowth203sternberg2002pap

Rozin, P., Kurzer, N., & Cohen, A. (2002). Free Associations to “Food”: The Effects of Gender, Generation, and Culture.  Journal of Research in Personality, 36, 419-441. freeassocfood204jrp02pap

Rozin, P., & Nemeroff, C. (2002). Sympathetic magical thinking: the contagion and similarity “heuristics”.  In: Gilovich, T., Griffin, D., & Kahneman, D. Heuristics and biases.  The psychology of intuitive judgment. (Pp. 201-216).  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  sympmagheur205gilovich2002pap

Rozin, P. (2002) Human food intake and choice:  Biological, Psychological, and Cultural Perspectives. In H. Anderson, J. Blundell, & M. Chiva (eds.)   Food selection: From genes to culture. (pp. 7-24).  Paris: Danone Institute.  humanintake206danone2002chap

Rozin, P.  (2002). Evolutionary and cultural perspectives on affect.  (Lead chapter for section on Evolution and Culture).  Handbook of Affective Science.  R. J. Davidson, H. Goldsmith, and K. Scherer (Eds.).  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.



Wrzesniewki, A., Rozin, P., & Bennett, G. (2003). Working, playing, and eating: Making the most of most moments.  In C. L. M. Keyes, & J. Haidt (eds.) Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived (pp.185-204).   Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.  workplayeat208flourish2003chap

Cohen, A. B., Siegel, J. & Rozin, P. (2003).  Faith versus practice: Different bases for religiosity judgments by Jews and Protestants. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 287-295.  faithpractice209ejsp2003pap

Galef, B. G. Jr., & Rozin, P. (2003).  Food-aversion and preference learning in humans.   In J. H. Byrne (ed.).  Learning and memory.  Second edition.  Pp. 147-149.  New York: Macmillan Reference.



Rozin, P., & Cohen, A. B. (2003). High frequency of facial expressions corresponding to confusion, concentration, and worry, in an analysis of naturally occurring facial expressions of Americans. Emotion, 3, 68-75.  confusasymface211emotion2003pap

Rozin, P., & Cohen, A. B. (2003).  Confusion infusions, suggestives, correctives, and other medicines.  Emotion, 3, 92-96.  confusion_infusions_reply_emotion2003

McCauley, C. R., & Rozin, P. (2003). Solomon Asch: Scientist and humanist. In: G. A. Kimble & M. Wertheimer (eds.). Pioneers of Psychology, Volume V. (pp.249-262).  Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.  aschbio2003

Rozin, P., Kabnick, K., Pete, E., Fischler, C., & Shields, C. (2003). The ecology of eating: Part of the French paradox results from lower food intake in French than Americans, because of smaller portion sizes.  Psychological Science, 14, 450-454.  ecologyofeating214ps03pap

Rozin, P., Bauer, R., & Catanese, D. (2003). Attitudes to food and eating in American college students in six different regions of the United StatesJournal of Personality & Social Psychology, 85, 132-141.  danreb215jpsp03

Rozin, P., & Siegal, M. (2003). Vegemite as a marker of national identity.  Gastronomica, 3 (4), 63-67.  vegemite216gast2003pap

Rozin, P. (2003). Five potential principles for understanding cultural differences in relation to individual differences.  Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 273-283.  fiveprinciples217jrp03pap


Rozin, P. (2004). Meat.  Entry in Encyclopedia of food (S. Katz, ed.). (pp. 666-671).  New York: Scribner.  meat218encyfood2004

Rozin, P., Riklis, J., & Margolis, L. (2004). Mutual exposure or close peer relationships do not seem to foster increased similarity in food, music or television program preferences.   Appetite, 42, 41-48.  peers_influenceonprefs_riklis_appetite2004

Rozin, A., Rozin, P., & Goldberg, E. (2004). The Feeling of Music Past: How Listeners Remember Musical Affect. Music Perception, 22, 15-39.  feeling-of-music-past_goldbergmp2004

Rozin, P., Spranca, M., Krieger, Z., Neuhaus, R., Surillo, D., Swerdlin, A., & Wood, K. (2004). Natural preference: instrumental and ideational/moral motivations, and the contrast between foods and medicines. Appetite, 43, 147-154.  natcinapp221app2004

Bell, R., & Rozin, P. (2004). Banquet song lyrics: “What’s the patter with Rose Marie?” and “O Rose Marie the Beauteous” Food Quality and Preference, 15, 613-615.

Royzman, E., McCauley, C. R., & Rozin, P. (2004). From Plato to Putnam: Four ways to think about hate. In: Sternberg, R. J. (ed.). The psychology of hate.  (pp. 3-35). Washington: APA.  hateroyzman_sternberg03

Hejmadi, A., Rozin, P., & Siegal, M. (2004). Once in Contact, Always in Contact: Contagious Essence and Conceptions of Purification in American and Hindu Indian Children. Developmental Psychology, 40, 467-476.  once_in_contact_hejmadi_develpsych2004

Ostovich, J., & Rozin, P. (2004). Body Image Across Three Generations of Americans: Inter-Family Correlations, Gender Differences, and Generation Differences. The Journal of Eating and Weight Disorders, 9, 186-193.  ostovich3genewd04

Cohen, A. B., Rozin, P., Keltner, D. (2004). Different religions, different emotions. Commentary in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 334-335.  cohen_keltner_differentreligions_bbs2004



Rozin, P., Taylor, C., Ross, L., Bennett, G., and Hejmadi, A. (2005). General and specific emotion recognition abilities: Relations among individual differences in recognition of disgust and other emotional expressions in facial and bodily representations, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and disgust sensitivity. Cognition and Emotion, 19 (3), 397-412.  ocdface226ce2005pap

Rozin, P. (2005). Forward.  In: J. Schulkin Curt Richter: A life in the laboratory. ix-xii. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.  richterschulkinforward2005

Rozin, P. (2005). A history of eating: The movement to suppress passive eating and the risks of side-plate-food. American Psychological Society Observer, 18(1), 18-19.  passiveat225apso2005pap

Rozin, P. (2005). The meaning of “natural”: Process more important than content. Psychological Science, 16, 652-658. nattrans230ps2005

Rozin, P. (2005). The Meaning of Food in Our Lives: A Cross-cultural Perspective on Eating and Well-Being. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 37, S107-S112.  meaningfoodinlivesjneb2005


Cohen, A. B., Malka, A., Rozin, P., & Cherfas, L. (2006). Religion and unforgivable offenses.  Journal of Personality, 74, 85-118.  cohenmalkaunfgvjp06

Moskalenko, S., McCauley, C . R., & Rozin, P. (2006). Group Identification under Conditions of Threat: College Students’ Attachment to Country, Family, Ethnicity, Religion, and University Before and After September 11, 2001.  Political Psychology, 27, 77-97.  moskalenko_groupidentity_pp_2006

Cherfas, L., Rozin, P., Cohen, A. B., Davidson, A., & McCauley, C. R. (2006). The framing of atrocities: Documenting the wide variation in aversion to Germans and German related activities among Holocaust survivors.  Peace and Conflict. Journal of Peace Psychology, 12(1), 65-80. holopapfinaljun0905

Royzman, E., & Rozin, P. (2006). The promiscuity of sympathy: The differential role of prior emotional attachment in sympathy and sympathetic joy. Emotion, 6, 82-93.  symhedoniaemot06

Geier, A. B., Rozin, P., & Doros, G. (2006). Unit bias: A new heuristic that helps explain the effect of portion size on food intake.  Psychological Science, 17, 521-525.  unit-bias-ps06

Rozin, P. Hanko, K., & Durlach, P. (2006). Self-prediction of hedonic trajectories for repeated use of body products and foods: Poor performance, not improved by a full generation of experience. Appetite, 46, 297-303.  hankopredictionappetite2006

Rozin, P., Fischler, C., Shields, C., & Masson, E. (2006). Attitudes towards large numbers of choices in the food domain.  A cross-cultural study of five countries in Europe and the USA.  Appetite, 46, 304-308.  varietycidilapp06

Rozin, P., Rozin, A., Appel, B., & Wachtel, C. (2006). Documenting and explaining the common AAB pattern in music and humor. Emotion, 6, 349-355.  aabemotion06

Rozin, P. (2006). The interaction of biological, psychological and cultural factors in food choice.  In: R. Shepherd and M. Raats, The Psychology of Food Choice. (pp. 19-40).  Wallingford, K.: CABI.  foodchoiceshepherdraats2006

Rozin, P. (2006). Naturalness judgments by lay Americans: Process dominates content in judgments of food or water acceptability and naturalness. Judgment and Decision Making, 1 (2), 91–97.  natreversejdm06pap

Rozin, P. (2006). From trying to understand food choice to conditioned taste aversions and back: A short odyssey.

Rozin, P. (2006). Domain denigration and process preference in academic psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1, 365-376.  domaindenigrationpps2006

Rozin, P. (2006). About 17 (+/- 2) potential principles about links between the innate mind and culture: Preadaptation, predispositions, preferences, pathways and domains. In: P. Carruthers, S. Laurence, S. Stich. The Innate Mind. Volume 2: Culture and Cognition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.  innatemindproofssep06




Rozin, P.  (2007). 1. Food choice: An introduction. In L. J. Frewer & H. van Trijp (Eds.).  Understanding consumers of food products (pp. 3-29). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead.

Rozin, P., & Geier, A. B. (2007). Want fewer fries with that? The Chronicle Review. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section B, April 6, 2007, B16.

Smith, D., Loewenstein, G., Rozin, P., Sherriff, R. L., & Ubel, P. (2007). Sensitivity to disgust, stigma, and adjustment to life with a colostomy. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 787-803.colostomysmithjrp07

Rozin, P. (2007). Food and eating. Chapter in: S. Kitayama & D.Cohen (eds.).  Handbook of Cultural Psychology, pp. 391-416.  New York: Guilford.  foodandeatingculthbk2007

Rode, E., Rozin, P., & Durlach, P. (2007). Experienced and remembered pleasure for meals: Duration neglect but minimal peak-end effects. Appetite, 49, 18-29.  rodemealmemapp07

Rozin, P. (2007). How does culture affect choice of foods?  In: C. MacFie (ed.). Consumer-led food product development (pp. 66-80).  Cambridge, UK: Woodhead.  foodchoiceculturewoodhead2007

Rozin, P., Grant, H., Weinberg, S., & Parker, S. (2007). “Head versus heart”: Effect of monetary frames on expression of sympathetic magical concerns.  Judgment and Decision Making, 2, 217-224.  headvheartjdm07

Rozin, P. (2007). Exploring the landscape of modern academic psychology: Finding and filling the holes.  American Psychologist, 62, 754-766.  holesapaap07

Rozin, P.(2007). Disgust. In R. F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology (pp. 255-257). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  disgustencycsocial2007



Cohen, A. B., Hill, P. C., Shariff, A. F., & Rozin, P. (2008).  Furthering the evolution of discussion on religion: Multi-method study, universality, and cultural variation.  In J. Bulbulia, R. Sosis, C. Genet, R. Genet, E. Harris, & K. Wyman (Eds.), The evolution of religion: Studies, theories, and critiques (pp. 311-317).  San Francisco: Collins Foundation Press.  cohen_evolreligion08

Rozin, P. (2008). La préférence pour le naturel. In: C. Fischler & E. Masson (eds.) Manger. Français, Européens et Américains face à l’alimentation (pp. 193-208).. Paris: Odile-Jacob.  naturelmanger2008

Rozin, P. (2008) Specific habituation to disgust/death elicitors as a result of dissecting a cadaver. Judgment and Decision Making, 3, 191-194.  cadaverjdm08

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (2008). Disgust. In M. Lewis & J. Haviland (eds.). Handbook of emotions, third edition (pp.757-776). New York: Guilford.  dglewishbk2008

Rozin, P., & Wolf, S. (2008). Attachment to National and Sacred Land and its relation to personal land attachment and contagion. Judgment and Decision Making, 3, 325-334.  landattachjdm08

Geier, A., & Rozin, P. (2008). Weighing discomfort in college age American females: incidence and causes. Appetite, 51, 173-177.  weighingdiscomfortgeierapp08

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (2008). Disgust: The body and soul emotion in the 21st century. In: B. O. Olatunji & D. McKay (eds.). Disgust and its disorders.  (pp. 9-29).  Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.  disgust21centuryolatunji2008

Rozin, A., & Rozin, P. (2008).  Feelings and the enjoyment of music.  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, 593-594 (Commentary on article by Juslin & Västfjäll).


Haddad, B., Rozin, P., Nemeroff, C, & Slovic P.  (2009). The Psychology of Water Reclamation and Reuse:  Survey Findings and Research Roadmap: Final Project Report.  Water Re-use Foundation.   water_wrf_report_feb25_20091

Dutton, J. & Rozin, P. (2009). Amy Wrzesniewski.  Entry in Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, Volume 2, 1044-1045.  wrzbiotemp

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & Fincher, K. (2009). From oral to moral: Is moral disgust an elaboration of a food rejection system. Science, 323, 1179-1180.  oralmoralscience09

Rozin, P., & Stellar, J. (2009). Posthumous events affect rated quality and happiness of lives. Judgment and Decision Making, 4, 273-279.  posthumousjdm09

Rozin, P., Haidt, J., & McCauley, C. R. (2009). Disgust. Entry in Oxford Companion to Affective Sciences. (D. Sander & K. Scherer, eds.)  pp. 121-122.  disgustoxfordcompanion2009

Geier, A., & Rozin, P. (2009). Univariate and Default Standard Unit Biases in Estimation: Judgments of Weight and Caloric Content. Journal of Experimental Psychology, Applied, 15, 153-162.  univariatejepa09

Rozin, P. (2009). What kind of empirical research should we publish, fund and reward? A different perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 435-439.  whatpublish_pps_2009

Rozin, P., & Hormes, J. (2009). Food preferences and aversions. Entry in: Shweder, Richard A., Thomas R. Bidell, Anne C. Dailey, Suzanne D. Dixon, Peggy J. Miller, and John Modell, eds. The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion (pp. 369-372). Chicago: University of Chicago Press,  prefsfoodchildhbk2009

Rozin, P. (2009). Learning to like chili peppers.. Entry in Chicago Companion to the Child. Shweder, Richard A., Thomas R. Bidell, Anne C. Dailey, Suzanne D. Dixon, Peggy J. Miller, and John Modell, eds. The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion (p. 370). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.  chililearningchildhbk2009

Rozin, P., Fischler, C. & Shields-Argelès, C. (2009). Additivity dominance: Additives are more potent and more often lexicalized across languages than are “subtractives”. Judgment and Decision Making, 5, 475-478.  additivdomjdm09

Hormes, J., & Rozin, P. (2009). Perimenstrual Chocolate Craving: What Happens after Menopause?  Appetite, 53, 256-259.  choccravemenopause_app_2009


Rozin, P. (2010). More than modularity and metaphor: The power of preadaptation and access. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33, 290-291. 273ModularPreadaptBBS2010

Rozin, P., & Hormes, J. (2010). Psychology and sensory marketing with a focus on the food domain. In: A. Krishna (ed.), Sensory Marketing. (pp.303-321). Routledge: New York.  sensory-marketing2010

Hormes, J., & Rozin, P. (2010). Does “Craving” carve nature at the Joints? Absence of a synonym for craving in many languages.  Addictive Behaviors, 35, 459-463. craving_hormes_ab10

Rozin, P., Berman, L., & Royzman, E. B. (2010). Biases in use of positive and negative words across twenty natural languages. Cognition and Emotion. 24, 536-548.  positivewordbiasesce2010

Rozin, P. (2010). Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology: Complementing each other in the study of culture and cultural evolution. In:  Schaller, M., Norenzayan, A., Heine, S. J., Yamagishi, T., & Kameda, T..  Evolution, culture, and the human mind. (pp. 9-22). New York: Psychology Press.  evol_-cult_-mind_chap2011



Bermant, G., Talwar, C., & Rozin, P. (2011)  To celebrate positive psychology and extend its horizons.  In:  Sheldon, K.M., Kashdan, T. B., & Steger, M. F. (eds.).  Designing positive psychology Taking stock and moving forward. Pp. 430-438. Oxford:  Oxford University Press. 278Bermant_ Talwar_Positive Paychology_DesigningPP_2011

Leeman, R., Fischler, C., Rozin, P., & Shields, C. (2011). Medical doctors’ attitudes and beliefs about diet and health are more like those of their lay countrymen (France, Germany, Italy, U.K. and U.S.A.) than those of doctors in other Western countries. Appetite, 56, 558-563.  doccidilapp2011

Fedotova, N., Fincher, K., Goodwin, Geoffrey, & Rozin, P.  (2011). How Much Do Thoughts Count?: Preference for Emotion versus Principle in Judgments of Antisocial and Prosocial Behavior .  Emotion Review, 3, 316-317.  fedotova_emotionthoughtscount_emotrev2011

Rozin, P., & Gohar, D. (2011). The pleasures and memory of food and meals. In: V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson & C. R. Martin (eds.) Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition. (pp. 659-672). New York: Springer

Hormes, J. M., & Rozin, P. (2011). The temporal dynamics of ambivalence: Changes in positive and negative affect in relation to consumption of an “emotionally charged” food. Eating Behaviors, 12, 219-221.  hormestempambivalenceeb2011

Rozin, P., Scott, S., Dingley, M., Urbanek, K, Jiang, H. & Kaltenbach, M. (2011) Nudge to nobesity I: Minor changes in accessibility decrease food intake. Judgment and Decision Making,, 6, 323-332.  nudgenobesityjdm2011

Rozin, P., Remick, A., & Fischler, C.  (2011).  Broad themes of difference between French and Americans in attitudes to food and other life domains: Personal versus communal values, quantity versus quality, and comforts versus joys.   Frontiers in Cultural Psychology. July , 2011  broad-themes-french_american_frontierscultpsych2011



Geier, A. B., Wansink, B., & Rozin, P. (2012). Red potato chips: Segmentation Cues and Consumption Interrupts Frame Portion Sizes and Reduce Food Intake.  Health Psychology, 31, 398-401.  redchipshealthpsychology2012

Rozin, P., Hormes, J. M., Faith, M. & Wansink, B, (2012). Is meat male ? A Quantitative Multi-Method Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships . Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 629-643.  meatmalejcr2012

Rozin, P., Fischler, C., & Shields- Argelès, C, (2012). European and American perspectives on the meaning of natural. Appetite, 59, 448-456.  naturalmeaningeuramerican_appetite2012


Rozin, P., Guillot, L., Fincher, K., Rozin, A., & Tsukayama, E. (2013).  Glad to be sad and other examples of benign masochism.  Judgment and Decision Making, 8, 439-447.  gladtobesad_jdm2013

Rozin, P., & Haidt, J. (2013). The domains of disgust and their origins: Contrasting biological and cultural evolutionary accounts. Trends in Cognitive Science, 17, 367-68disgustdomainsorigin_trendscogsci2013

Hormes, J. M., Fincher, K., Rozin, P. & Green, M. (2013). Reading a book can temporarily change your mind: Large but short duration changes in attitudes to food in readers of Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Frontiers in Eating Behavior,  4, (778), 1-8.  omnivoredilemmahormesfrontierseatingbehavior2013

Goodwin, G., Piazza, J., & Rozin, P. (2013). Moral character as a fundamental human dimension   Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 106, 148-168.  goodwin_character_warmth_jpsp2014


Rozin, P. (2014). Freedom, choice and public well-being: Some psychological perspectives. Social Science and Modern Society, 51, 237-246. freedom-choice-regulation_society_2014

Rozin, P. (2014). The origins of disgust.  Emotion reports

Rozin, P., & Haidt J. (2014). The expansion of disgust. Emotion reports

Rozin, P., Scott, S., Zickgraf, H., Ahn, F., & Jiang, C-C. (2014). Asymmetrical Social Mach Bands: Exaggeration of Social Identities on the More Esteemed Side of Group Borders. Psychological Science, 25, 1955-1959.  asymmmachps2014

Rozin, P., & Ruby, M. R. (2014). Skal vi bide tilbage?   Momentum, 4 (November), 18-20.  Danish magazine.  Translation: Biting back at bugs

Piazza, J., Goodwin, G. P., Rozin, P, and Royzman, E. (2014). When a Virtue is Not a Virtue: Conditional Virtues in Moral Evaluation. Social Cognition, 32, 528-558. (doi: 10.1521/soco.2014.32.6.528)  piazza_when_a_virtue_socialcognition2014

Rozin, P., Cherfas, L., Radil, T., Radil, J., McCauley, C. R., and Cohen, A. B. (2014). Which Jews Dislike Contemporary Germans: Range and Determinants of German Aversion in Czech and U.S. Holocaust Survivors and Young American Jews.  Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20, 412–429.  holo2_germanaversion_peaceconflict_2014


Rozin, P., Haddad, B., Nemeroff, C., and Slovic, P. (2015).Psychological aspects of the rejection of recycled water:  Contamination, purification and disgust.  Judgment & Decision Making, 10, 50-63.  water_jdm_2015

Prescott, J., & Rozin, P. 2015 Sweetness preference.  Entry in D. Goldstein (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweetness, pp. 715-718.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  prescott_sweetness_oxford2015

Rozin, P., (2015). Disgust, Psychology of. : In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol. 6, Oxford: Elsevier  pp. 546-549.  disgustintlencyclopedia2_2015

Rozin, P. (2015). Food preferences, Psychology and physiology of.   In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 9. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 296-299. foodprefsiebss2_2015

Kauer, J., Pelchat, M. L., Rozin, P., & Zickgraf, H. F. (2015). Adult picky eating. Phenomenology, taste sensitivity, and psychological correlates. Appetite90, 219-228.  kauer_pickyeating_appetite2015-ape

Rozin, P. (2015). Neurologist, cognitive neuroscientist, inspirer of psychologists, and humanist: An appreciation of Oscar Marin. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 28, 120-121.  oscarmarinappreciation-by-rozin_cbn-v28n3-sept2015

Ruby, M. B., Rozin, P., & Chan, C. (2015). Determinants of willingness to eat insects in the U.S.A. and India. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1, 215-225.  rubyrozinchan-jiff

Evans, J., Alemu, M. H., Flore, R., Frost, M.B., Halloran, A., Jensen, A.B., Maciel-Vergara, G., Meyer-Rochow, V.B., Munke-Svendsen, C, Olsen, S.B., Payne, C., Roos, N., Rozin, P., Tan, H.S.G., van Huis, A., Vantomme, P., and Eilenberg, J. (2015). “Entomophagy”: An evolving terminology in need of review. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1, 293-305.  evans_entomophagy_jiff2015




Scott, S., Inbar, Y., & Rozin, P. (2016). Evidence for Absolute Moral Opposition to Genetically Modified Food in the United States. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 315-324.  gmo_moral_2016pps


Inbar, Y., Scott, S., & Rozin, P. (2016). Gray and Schein’s Objections (2016) are Theoretically and Statistically Faulty. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 330-332.  inbar_gmo_response_pps2016


Ristau, C. A., & Rozin, P. (2016). The Aftermath and After the Aftermath of 9/11: Civility, Hostility, and Increased Friendliness. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 22, 168-171.

307 Ristau Aftermath J Peace Conflict 2016

Rozin, P., Moscovitch, M, and Imada, S.  (1916).  Right: Left :: East: West.  Evidence that individuals from East Asian and South Asian cultures emphasize right hemisphere functions in comparison to Euro-American cultures. Neuropsychologia, 90, 3-11



Ruby, M. B., Alvarenga, M., Rozin, P., Kirby, T. A., Richer, E., & Rutsztein, G. (2016).  Attitudes toward beef and vegetarians in Argentina, Brazil, France, and the USA. Appetite, 96, 446-454. rubyetal-2016-4countriesbeefveg


Seo, M., Kim, Y-H., Tam, K-P, and Rozin, P. (2016).  I Am Dumber When I Look Dumb in Front of Many (vs. Few) Others: A Cross-Cultural Difference in How Audience Size Affects Perceived Social Reputation and Self-Judgments.  J. of Cross Cultural Psychology,  47, 1019-1032. 



Oostindjer, M., Aschemann-Witzel, J., Wang, Q, Skuland, S. E., Amdam, G., Schjøll, A., Rozin, P., Stein, J., Pachucki, M., Almli, V. L., & van Kleef, E. (2016). Can school meals be a tool to improve global dietary and sustainable food  behaviour?  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,

315Oostindjer_SchoolMeals_Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition_ 2016-1d13moe


Zickgraf, H.F., Franklin,, M E., & Rozin, P.  (2016). Adult picky eaters with symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: comparable distress and comorbidity but different eating behaviors compared to those with disordered eating symptoms. Journal of Eating Disorders, 4: 26  DOI 10.1186/s40337-016-0110-6



Rozin (2016). To eat or not to eat. Humorous Shakespearian monologue about food. up on the OSFC blog.


Arbit, N., Ruby, M., and Rozin, P.  (2017).  Development and Validation of the Meaning of Food in Life Questionnaire (MFLQ): Evidence for a New Construct.  Food Quality and Preference, 59, 35-45.

318 MFL_Devel_FQP_2017-1v6nvp4


Sproesser, G., Ruby, M., Arbit, N., Rozin, P., Schupp, H., and Renner, B.  (2017)  The Eating Motivation Survey: Results from the USA, India, and Germany. Public Health Nutrition, 21, 515-525.

319 Sproesser et al 2017 The Eating Motivation Survey (1)-1640pne

Haidt, J., & Rozin, P.  (2017) How cultural psychology can help us see “divinity” in a secular world.  in Cassiniti, J., & Menon, U. (eds.)   Universalism without the Uniformity: Explorations in mind and culture.  Pp. 32-44.  Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

320 SecularDivinity Haidt in Universalism_w-o_Uniformity-ch2 2017-u2w4va


Johnson, C.M., Henderson, M.S., Tripicchio, G., Rozin, P., Heo, M., Pietrobelli, A., Berkowitz, R.I., Keller, K.L., and Faith, M.S. (2017) Observed parent–child feeding dynamics in relation to child body mass index and adiposity. Pediatric Obesity,

321 Faith Parent–child feeding dynamics and child obesity Pediatric Obesity 2017-2oiyiqf


Scott, S., & Rozin, P. (2017)  Additivity  dominance: Generality and causes.  Judgment and Decision Making, 12, 572-583

322 additives_unnatural__Generality Scott JDM2017-28tdl5w


Sproesser, G., Klusmann, V., Ruby, M. B., Arbit, N., Rozin, P., Schupp, H. T., & Renner, B. (2017). The Positive Eating Scale: Relationship with objective health parameters and validity in Germany, the USA, and India. Psychology & Health, 33, 313-339.

323 Sproesser Positive eatrng scale Psych and Health 2017-1yi63sa

doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1336239


Sproesser, G., Imada, S.,  Furumitsu, I.,  Rozin, P., Ruby, M. B., Arbit,N., Fischler, C., T. Schupp, H., & Renner, B.  (2018).  What constitutes traditional and modern eating in Japan? Perceptions across age and gender.  Nutrients, 10, 118  doi: 10.3390/nu10020118.

326 Trad Mod Eating Japan Nutrients 2018-2nax511


Fedotova, N. O., & Rozin, P. (2018) Contamination, Association, or Social Communication: An examination of Alternative Accounts for Contagion Effects.  Judgment and Decision Making, 13, 150-162

324 Contamination__association__Fedotova JDM 2018-1ya1q9w


Apicella, C., Rozin, P., Busch, J., Watson-Jones, R. & Legare, C.H. (2018).  Evidence from hunter-gatherer and subsistence agricultural populations for the universality of contagion sensitivity. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, 355-363.

325 Contagion Hadza Vanuatu EvHumBehav 2018-1rws5vi


Rozin, P. & Rozin, A.  (2018), Advancing Understanding of the Aesthetics of Temporal Sequences by Combining Some Principles and Practices in Music and Cuisine With Psychology  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13, 598-617.

327 Music Meal Sequence RozinRozin Perspect Psych Science 2018-2mtm2zw


Scott, S. E., Inbar, Y., Wirz, C.D., Brossard, D., & Rozin, P.  (2018). An overview of attitudes to genetically engineered food.  Annual Review of Nutrition , 38, 459-479.

328 GMO Annual Review of Nutrition Scott et al. 2018-29v0ql5 


Rozin, P., Dunn, C., & Fedotova, N. (2018). Thinking backwards. Prevalence and processes involved in negative, backwards, magical contagion. Judgment and Decision Making, 13, 441-450.

329 Backward Contagion JDM 2018-1xtl1o0


Nemeroff, C., and Rozin, P. (2018). Back in touch with contagion: Some essential issues. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3, 612-623.

331. Nemeroff Rozin. Back in touch (J Assoc Consum Psych 2018



Rozin, P. (2019) Henry Gleitman (1925-2015). (obituary). American Psychologist, 73, 940.  

332 Henry Gleitman (1925–2015)_


Fernbach, P. M., Light, N., Scott, S. E., Inbar, Y., & Rozin, P. (2019): Extreme GMO opponents know the least but think they know the most. Nature Human Behavior,3, 251-256.

333 Fernbach GMO Know Least NatHumBehav2019


Ruby, M., & Rozin, P. (2019). Disgust, sushi consumption, and other predictors of acceptance of insects as food by Americans and Indians.  Food Quality and Preference, 74, 155-162

334 RubyRoz Insects DgSushiFQP2019

Rozin, P., Cohen, A., & Ruby, M. B. (2019).  Food and eating.  In D. Cohen & S. Kitayama (Eds), Handbook of Cultural Psychology, second edition. 447-477.

335. FoodEatingHbkCult22019 


Sproesser, G., Ruby, M. B., Arbit, N., Akotia, C.S., Alvarenga, M., Bhangaokar, R., Furumitsu, I., Hu, X., Imada, S., Kaptan, G., Kaufer-Horwitz, M., Menon, U., Fischler, C., Rozin, P., Schupp, H. T. & Renner, B. (2019). Understanding traditional and modern eating: The TEP10 framework. BMC Public Health, 19, 1606, 1-14.

336 Sproesser TraditionalModernReviewBNC Public Health 2019



Rozin, P., and Ruby, M. (2020). Bugs are blech, butterflies are beautiful: but both are bad to bite: A potential new type of disgust.  Emotion, 20, 854-865    337. BugsBlech Emotion 2020


Rozin P. (2020) Why We Know So Little About the Psychology of Eating in Humans. In: Meiselman H. (eds) Handbook of Eating and Drinking. Springer, Cham, pp 1556-1576.  338 Why we know so little about food psychology Rozin 2020


Scott, S. E., and Rozin, P. (2020). Actually, natural is neutral,  Nature Human Behaviour, 4,  989–990 .  339 NatureNeutral NatirHumBehav 2020 Rozin


Rozin, P, & Ruby, M. (2020). The moral march to meatless meals: The scripted Hebrew meat prohibitions versus the less scripted path to becoming vegetarian or vegan. In:     eds.  Why we love and exploit animals pp. 284-302  340. Moral March to Meatless Meals Rozin Ruby 2020 


Rozin, P. (2020).  Expanding on Barrett: The value of valleys.  Evolution and Human Behavior, 41, 464-467341 Expanding on Barrett Evol Hum Behav 2920


Nemeroff, C., Rozin, P., Haddad, B., & Slovic, P. (2020). Psychological barriers to urban recycled water acceptance: a review of relevant principles in decision psychology. International Journal of Water Resources Development36(6), 956-971.  342 Nemeroff Rozin et al Water heuristics biases IIJWRD 2020


Inbar, Y., Phelps, J., & Rozin, P. (2020). Recency negativity: Newer food crops are evaluated less favorably. Appetite154, 104754.  343 Recency Negativity Inbar Rozin Appetite 2021


Scott, S. E., Rozin, P., & Small, D. A. (2020). Consumers Prefer “natural” more for preventatives than for curatives. Journal of Consumer Research47(3), 454-471.  344. Scott Rozin Small Natural Preventatives J Consum Res 2020


Rozin, P. and Holtermann, C. (2021). Binary categorization of the food world by American, French and Indian adults: Predominance of the healthy-unhealthy “dichotomy” Appetite, 163, 105150  345 Binary Categorization Rozin Holtermann Appetite 2021


Rozin. P. (2021). Robert Rescorla: Pavlov 2.0 and a Model Academic Psychologist Revista de Historia de la Psicología, 42, 4-6  346 Rescorla Pavlov 2 0 Revista 2021


Gallistel, C. R., LoLordo, V. M., Rozin, P., & Seligman, M. E. (2021). Robert A. Rescorla (1940–2020). American Psychologist, 76, 391-392  347 Rescorla Obit Amer.Psychologist 2021


Higa, J. E., Ruby, M. B., & Rozin, P. (2021). Americans’ acceptance of black soldier fly larvae as food for themselves, their dogs, and farmed animals. Food Quality and Preference90, 104119.  348 Higa Ruby Rozin Black Soldier Fly Acceptance FQP 2021


Dou, Z., Stefanovski, D., Galligan, D., Lindem, M.., Rozin, P.. Chen, T., and Chao, A. M. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic Impacting Household Food Dynamics: A Cross-National Comparison of China and the U.S.   Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems 4, 577133  349 Dou HouseholdCOVID Frontiers Sustain 2021



Rozin, P. (2022). Martin E. P. Seligman: Realizing human potential.  Journal of Positive Psychology, 17:2, 166-170, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2021.2016913  350 Martin E P Seligman Realizing human potential J Pos Psych 2022


Sproesser, G., Ruby, M. B., Arbit, N., Akotia, C.S., Alvarenga, M., Bhangaokar, R., Furumitsu, I., Hu, X., Imada, S., Kaptan, G., Kaufer-Horwitz, M., Menon, U., Fischler, C., Rozin, P., Schupp, H. T. & Renner, B.  (2022). Similar or different? Comparing food cultures with regard to traditional and modern eating across ten countries. Food Research International, 157,  111106.  351. TraditionalModernEating FoodResearchInternational 2022