12.07.16 Paper

12.07.16 Paper

Paper Accepted 12.07.16 – We have a new paper in Inorganic Chemistry! “Density Functional Theory as a Predictive Tool for Cerium Redox Properties in Nonaqueous Solvents” Levin, J. R.; Dorfner, W. L.; Dai, A. X.; Carroll, P. J.; Schelter, E. J. Inorg. Chem....
11.30.16 Paper

11.30.16 Paper

Paper Accepted 11.30.16 – We have a new paper in Journal of the American Chemical Society! “The Hexachlorocerate(III) Anion: A Potent, Benchtop Stable and Readily Available UVA Photosensitizer for Aryl Chlorides” Yin, H.; Jin, Y.; Hertzog, J. E.; Mullane,...
08.11.16 Walter Grad

08.11.16 Walter Grad

Congrats Grad! 08.11.16 – We graduated our second PhD student of 2016, Dr. Walter Dorfner. Walter is pictured with Eric after a successful defense, and cutting his celebratory cake. Walter goes on to a position as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry...
07.07.16 Chem Comm

07.07.16 Chem Comm

Paper Accepted 07.07.16 – We have a new paper in Chemical Communications! “Reactions of A Cerium(III) Amide with Heteroallenes: Insertion, Silyl-migration and De-insertion” Yin, H.; Carroll, P. J.; Schelter, E. J. Chem. Comm. 2016, Accepted....
06.10.16 Organomet

06.10.16 Organomet

Paper Accepted 06.10.16 – We have a new paper in Organometallics! “1,2-Addition or Enolization? Variable Reactivity of a Cerium Acetylide Complex toward Carbonyl Compounds” Kim, J. E.; Zabula, A. V.; Carroll, P. J.; Schelter, E. J. Organometallics 2016,...