4.23.19 Paper

4.23.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 04.23.19 – We have a new paper in Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements! “An investigation of the binding of (S)-monothioBINOLate to rare earth metal cations” Panetti, G. B.; Varela, E. J.; Gau, M. R.; Schelter, E. J.;...
4.3.19 Paper

4.3.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 04.03.19 – We have a new paper in Chemical Communications! “A strategy to improve the performance of cerium(III) photocatalysts” Qiao, Y.; Cheisson, T.; Manor, B. C.; Carroll, P. J.; Schelter, E. J. Chem. Comm. 2019, 55,...
3.14.19 Paper

3.14.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 03.14.19 – We have a new paper in Inorganic Chemistry! “13C NMR Shifts as an Indicator of U-C Bond Covalency in Uranium(VI) Acetylide Complexes: An Experimental and Computational Study” Mullane, K. C.; Hrobárik, P.; Cheisson, T.; Manor, B....
2.1.19 Paper

2.1.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 02.01.19 – We have a new paper in Science! “Rare earth elements: Mendeleev’s bane, modern marvels” Cheisson, T.; Schelter, E. J. Science 2019, 363, 489-493. Link