8.23.18 Paper

8.23.18 Paper

Paper Accepted 08.23.18 – We have a new paper in Inorganic Chemistry! “Exploration of the Solid- and Solution-State Structures and Electrochemical Properties of CeIV(atrane) Complexes” Solola, L. A.; Cheisson, T.; Yang, Q.; Carroll, P. J.; Schelter, E....
8.21.18 Paper

8.21.18 Paper

Paper Accepted 08.21.18 – We have a new paper in Dalton Transactions! “Synthesis of novel copper-rare earth BINOLate frameworks from a hydrogen bonding DBU-H rare earth BINOLate complex” Panetti, G. B.; Robinson, J. R.; Carrol, P. J.; Gau, M. R.; Manor, B....
8.1.18 Paper

8.1.18 Paper

Paper Accepted 08.01.18 – We have a new paper in Chemical Communications! “A Molecular Basis to Rare Earth Separations for Recycling: Tuning TriNOx Ligand Properties for Improved Performance” Cole, B. E.; Falcones, I. B.; Cheisson, T.; Manor, B. C.;...
7.27.18 Paper

7.27.18 Paper

Paper Accepted 07.27.18 – We have a new paper in Journal of the American Chemical Society! “C-H Bond Addition Across a Transient Uranium Nitrido and Formation of a Parent Uranium Imido Complex” Mullane, K. C.; Ryu, H.; Cheisson, T.; Grant, L. N.; Park, J....