9.3.19 Paper

9.3.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 09.03.19 – We have a new paper in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! “Halide anion discrimination by a tripodal hydroxylamine ligand in gas and condensed phases” Cheisson, T.; Jian, J.; Eaton, T. M.; Gau, M. R.; Carroll, P. J.; Batista, E....
6.19.19 Paper

6.19.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 06.19.19 – We have a new paper in Inorganic Chemistry! “Redox-Driven Chelation and Kinetic Separation of Select Rare Earths Using a Tripodal Nitroxide Proligand” Cole, B. E.; Cheisson, T.; Higgins, R. F.; Nakamaru-Ogiso, E.; Manor, B. C.;...
Congrats Grad!

Congrats Grad!

Congrats Grad! 06.13.19 – Congratulations to the 2019 graduates of the Schelter Lab! Yusen and Zeke are pictured here accepting their gifts of uranium glass after successful defenses, with a special appearance by Zeke’s undergraduate advisor Prof. Graves. Good...
6.6.19 Paper

6.6.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 06.06.19 – We have a new paper in Journal of the American Chemical Society! “Multiple Bonding in Lanthanides and Actinides: Direct Comparison of Covalency in Thorium(IV)- and Cerium(IV)-Imido Complexes” Cheisson, T.; Kersey, K. D.; Mahieu,...
4.23.19 Paper

4.23.19 Paper

Paper Accepted 04.23.19 – We have a new paper in Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements! “An investigation of the binding of (S)-monothioBINOLate to rare earth metal cations” Panetti, G. B.; Varela, E. J.; Gau, M. R.; Schelter, E. J.;...