Event Category: SLM Event

Abstract: Cells across tissues, developmental stages, and disease conditions adopt distinct intracellular states – epigenomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic profiles – to compartmentalize function in time and space. The ability to write DNA- and RNA-encoded programs that sense and interface with cellular states has transformative potential for biotechnology, for example in designing gene therapies with cell […]

Axalta Distinguished Lectures, Sponsored by Axalta Coating Systems   Printing Soft and Living Matter in Three Dimensions   Jennifer A. Lewis Harvard University   Reception to follow in the Chinese Rotunda, Penn Museum   Abstract: The ability to pattern soft and living matter in three dimensions is of critical importance for several emerging applications. In this […]

Speaker: Linnea Lemma (Princeton)   Abstract: Phase separation of biological molecules has emerged as a key mechanism by which cells organize their interior spaces. Investigating the physical principles by which these biomolecular condensates facilitate cellular functions which are generically out-of-equilibrium remains a grand challenge at the intersection of statistical physics and cell biology. The inherent […]

Speaker: Joshua Weitz (University of Maryland)   Abstract: Viral infections transform the fate of microbial cells, populations, and ecosystems. The infection and lysis of individual microbes releases new virus particles and redirects carbon and nutrients back through the microbial loop. Yet, there is increasing evidence that the outcome of infections does not necessarily end in […]