
February 2025

Dear participants of Tiempo Juntos Por Nuestra Salud,

We would like to inform you that, in September, we officially conclude the evaluations of all study participants. We sincerely appreciate your valuable participation, the time and effort you have dedicated to being part of this process. Your collaboration has been fundamental to the success of the study, and we deeply value your commitment and willingness to contribute to our research.

Starting this month, we will start reaching out to inform you of our plan to provide individual results of the study.

Thank you again for your support and participation.



Tiempo Juntos featured in National American Heart Association News Article August 31, 2023 


Please click on the picture below to read the article published by the Penn Memory Center April 25, 2023



A research study that seeks to encourage physical activity (walking), and investigate its effects on cognitive health (memory), cardiovascular health (heart), and sleep quality.


Our study is recognized professionally by the U.S National Library of Medicine, to read more, please click on the following link: 

A Physical Activity Intervention to Promote Cognitive Health, Cardiovascular Health and Sleep in Older Latinos – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.gov
