Tomorrow in the Twitterverse

I don’t know how many of you have been following the very cool Modernist Versions Project’s “Year of Ulysses” but, obviously, we’re pretty excited about it. So much so that Josh worked up this jazzy new “ineluctable” image to show our support. Moreover, it’s got me stepping away from the studio for the day tomorrow to talk about how the comic is going, some of the difficulties of the process and some of the reasons why Joyce is so damn fun to draw. I’ll be doing one of their twitter chats tomorrow, Wednesday, August 15th, beginning about 2PM EST and going, well, as long as it goes (twitter is like that, you know; 140 characters at-a-time is a fun way to talk.)

There will be a blog post going up on their site as well that will show off some of the new “Lotus Eaters” pages Josh and I have been so diligently working on since Bloomsday. Oh, and we’ll have some news about big changes looming for this very website (yes, we’ve been busy on that front as well).

So follow us tomorrow on twitter @ulyssesseen or through the hashtag #yearofulysses. And bring your best 140character questions. I’ll defend decisions I’ve made, waffle on positions I’m unsure of, and give you plenty of fresh links to think about while all the time happy to get out of the studio and hear some feedback for the day.


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