CHIN 0600 or the instructor’s permission
Lee, Kunshan, Hsin-hsin Liang, Liwei Jiao, Julian Wheatley. The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course文化纵横观, 2nd edition, Routledge, 2014.
eBook is available:
Lesson 1 is available for view here:
Dr. Jiajia Wang (
Course Description:
This is an advanced-level Chinese language course aiming to enhance students’ Chinese language skills and cultural knowledge in order to communicate with their contemporary Chinese peers. This course will help students expand vocabulary and lexical structures and improve reading skills at the advanced level. Students will learn how to summarize and respond to main arguments using supporting evidence from the text and how to express their opinions in an organized way. Topics introduced in this course include online dating, popular media culture, consumer culture, economy, and urbanization. By completing this course, students are expected to be able to narrate, describe, and comment on societal topics with good linguistic devices at the advanced level.
Sample Text (Entry): L1 网上交友
Sample Text (Exit): L5 流动人口